Origin of decibels About dB, of course to create great Alexander talk about this definition Graham Bell, the great man not only invented the telephone, and the more important is he found us human ear response to sound intensity is proportional to the logarithm of the form, that is to say ...
There are many types of electronic equipment to suit their intended use, and of course to provide many conveniences for their users. Even so, it is not uncommon for electronic devices to experience problems or damage. When damaged, many electronic devices today will display a certain color code...
也许你会把你能找到的所有器材的说明书和帮助文档都看一遍,你也经常会看到诸如:dBSPL、dBu、dBV、dBm、dBVU、dBFS等等和分贝有关的名词。但遗憾的是,几乎没有这方面的详细说明,搞得你经常一头雾水:它们是谁?它们究竟是什么关系?不要责怪那些厂 下载文档...
功率单位 与P(瓦特)换算公式: (10*P)dBm=(10*P)dB-30dB (P:瓦 ) 首先, DB 是一个纯计数单位:对于功率,dB = 10*lg(A/B)。对于电压或电流,dB = 20*lg(A/B).dB的意义其实再简单不过了,就是把一个很大(后面跟一长串0的)或者很小(前面有一长串0的)的数比较简短地表示出来。如: X=10000000000...
FIG. 2 shows the calculated exponential course or progression of the voltage U relative to the HF-power P plotted in dBm. This characteristic progression of the voltage U prevails at the internal node 26 of the HF-circuit 10. The exponential nature of the voltage characteristic is apparent. ...
the bridge deck. The Hydro-demolition was undertaken during T(II) T Night shifts (typically 5hrs long) David Millar carried out the duties of the COSS during the course of the works - using TCODs to set up the protection (Track circuit operating device) - Jump leads by another name !!
“vacant” equals to () in this course A. empty B. full C. available D. occupy 查看完整题目与答案 How would you like to pay for your () ? . A. passport B. deposit C. memo D. visa 查看完整题目与答案 Would you like tea or( )? A. coffee B. blanket C. ...
I also add other directories for your review. When you write link: www.examplesite.com, you will get some BacLinks, ie sites that link to you. Sometimes this may be on your own page. Of course, Google does not show every user to all of them because of competition. It is possible ...
Of course! Vegetto, filled with renewed energy, looked up at the sky and screamed: 'Master Kaiô! Do you hear me?' 'Yes,' answered the god. 'I just witnessed your victory over Buu. Congratulations my boy.' 'Thank you master. But now I need your service...' ...