-270 FUNCTION NOT SUPPORTED Explanation The statement cannot be processed because it violates one or more of the following restrictions: ALTER INDEX or CREATE INDEX statements A CREATE INDEX or ALTER INDEX statement must not specify PADDED for an XML index or an index on a VARBINARY column. ...
This warning occurs if you want to add a table to the Db2 Data Gate instance, but the table contains one or more columns whose data type is not supported by IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate. To check the data type compatibility, IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate reads the entries in the ...
12、lanation: like predicate not valid. sql0133 sqlcode -133sqlstate 42906explanation: operator on correlated column in sql function not valid. sql0134 sqlcode -134sqlstate 42907explanation: argument of function too long. sql0136 sqlcode -136sqlstate 54005explanation: order by or group by columns...
Explanation: Argument &1 of SUBSTR function not valid. SQL0144 SQLCODE -144 SQLSTATE 58003 Explanation: Section number not valid. SQL0145 SQLCODE -145 SQLSTATE 55005 Explanation: Recursion not supported for an application server other than the AS/400 system. SQL0150 SQLCODE -150 SQLSTATE 42807 ...
$ db2 CONNECT TO hadrdbSQL1776N The command is not supported on an HADR standby databaseor on an HADR standby database with the current configuration or state.Reason code = "1".启用了 HADR ROS 的备用数据库只支持隔离级别未提交读(UR)。如果查询语句的隔离级别高于 UR,则会返回错误 SQL1773N...
SQL0138SQLCODE-138SQLSTATE22011 Explanation:Argument1ofSUBSTRfunctionnotvalid. SQL0144SQLCODE-144SQLSTATE58003 Explanation:Sectionnumbernotvalid. SQL0145SQLCODE-145SQLSTATE55005 Explanation:RecursionnotsupportedforanapplicationserverotherthantheAS/400system. SQL0150SQLCODE-150SQLSTATE42807 Explanation:Vieworlogical...
(2.4)dbms_random.random(function) 返回一个大于或等于-power(2,31)到小于或等于power(2,31)的随机数。不过Oracle不建议使用该函数,因为在11gR1中废弃了。 “Note:This procedure is deprecated with Release 11gR1 and, although currently supported, it should not be used.” ...
db2 get dbm cfg配置文件说明 db2 logged not compact [ ] [ CLI Driver] SQL30081N A communication detected . Communication protocol being used: TCP/IP Communication API being used: SOCKETS. Location where the error was detected: 192. 168. 2. 51. Communication function detecting the error: ...
Explanation: Function &1 in &2 not found with matching signature. 说明:功能及1和2不匹配的签名发现。 SQL0461 SQLCODE -461 SQLSTATE 42846 SQL0461 SQLCODE -461 SQLSTATE 42846 Explanation: Cast from &1 to &2 not supported. 说明:演员从&1&2不支持。
Function Description If an external database is configured for the report system, the system will become more stable in cluster environments or situations with large amounts of data. You can configure external databases during initialization or Db2 databases on the platform. Note: If the external ...