1. 使用IBM JRE运行应用。 2. 使用UTF-8代码页创建数据库。对于已经创建好的数据库,是无法修改代码页参数的,因此必须删除重建。 db2 => db2start db2 => drop database db2test db2 => create database db2test using codeset utf-8 territory CN db2 => list database directory 下面提供了一个连接测试程...
具体异常信息: 1. com.ibm.db2.jcc.b.DisconnectException: encoding not supported!! 2. at com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.ab.b(ab.java:1618) 3. at com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.bb.ac(bb.java:4443) 4. at com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.bb.a(bb.java:4381) 5. at com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.bb.c(bb.java:4303) 6. at...
最笨的办法是将系统日期向前调。 使用的连接字符串如"jdbc:db2://",在获取连接时出现异常如下:“com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.DisconnectException: encoding not supported!!”。在搜索Google未果后只好自己硬着头皮找办法解决。发现另外一个同事在WSAD中连接正常(我用的Eclipse),灵机一动将引用的J...
环境:eclipse + ibm的jdk(一定要用ibm的不要用sun的,不然会报错“com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.DisconnectException: encoding not supported!!”) IBMJDK(带jdk的eclipse)下载地址: https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/reg/download.do?source=idpe&S_TACT=105AGX05&S_CMP=JDK =en_US&S_PKG=win220&...
22522 A CCSID value is not valid at all, not valid for the data type or subtype, or not valid for the encoding scheme. 22525 Partitioning key value is not valid. 22527 Invalid input data detected for a multiple-row insert. 22528 Binary data is invalid for DECRYPT_CHAR and DECYRYPT_DB....
22522 A CCSID value is not valid at all, not valid for the data type or subtype, or not valid for the encoding scheme. 22525 Partitioning key value is not valid. 22527 Invalid input data detected for a multiple-row insert. 22528 Binary data is invalid for DECRYPT_CHAR and DECYRYPT_DB....
6、DETERMINISTIC or NOT DETERMINISTIC:表示存储过程是动态或者非动态的。动态的返回的值是不确定的。非动态的存储过程每次执行返回的值是相同的。 7、CALLED ON NULL INPUT:表示可以调用存储过程而不管任何的输入参数是否为NULL,并且,任何的OUT或者INOUT参数可以返回一个NULL或者非空值。检验参数是否为NULL是在过程中...
The driver converts the XML data returned from the database server from the UTF-8 encoding to the ISO-8859-1 (latin1) encoding. Note: The conversion caused by using the getAsciiStream() method may create XML that is not well-formed because the content encoding is not the default encoding...
1. CLOB and BLOB are not supported.2. Only the simple flat table is supported.3. The length of the generated COBOL program's name should be no larger than 30 characters; otherwise BatchRT could not run the program successfully. Please make the schema name and table name as shorter as ...
The encoding used for the documents, which do not contain this information, depends on the application code page. XMLPARSE You can optionally use the XMLPARSE function to explicitly check the correctness of the XML document in an SQL statement. The input to this function can be any of the ...