The Db2 command DISPLAY DATABASE displays status information about Db2 databases. The DISPLAY DATABASE command displays information about the status of the following objects: Db2 databases Table spaces Tables in segmented table spaces XML table spaces LOB table spaces Index spaces within a database ...
●db2relocatedb This command renames a database, or relocates a database or part of a database (for example, the container and the log directory) as specified in the configuration file provided by the user. ●db2rfpen Puts a database in rollforward pending state. 需要在归档模式执行。 ●...
This will display function name, component and product name. To display only logged records containing eduid = 123, enter the following command: db2diag -eduid 123 To display all records containing eduid = 123 or eduid = 5678, enter the following command: db2diag -eduid "123,5678" To...
使用MsDb2Connection 连接到 DB2 服务器,并将Microsoft.HostIntegration.MsDb2Client.MsDb2Connection.ConnectionPooling%2A?displayProperty=fullName设置为true。 像使用传统 DB2 连接一样执行查询。 使用MsDb2Connection.Close或MsDb2Connection.Dispose结束会话。
-w Display FETCH/SELECT warning messages ON -x Suppress printing of column headings OFF -z Save all output to output file OFF -代表开,- - 或+ 代表关,如: db2 -c command or statement... 开Auto-Commit db2 -c- command or statement... 关Auto-Commit ...
The following graphics display a setup of two database server Azure VMs. Both database server Azure VMs have their own storage attached and are up and running. In HADR, one database instance in one of the Azure VMs has the role of the primary instance. All clients are connected to this...
The following graphics display a setup of two database server Azure VMs. Both database server Azure VMs have their own storage attached and are up and running. In HADR, one database instance in one of the Azure VMs has the role of the primary instance. All clients are connected to this...
87 5-2 DISPLAY GBPOOL command output for percentage based CLASST threshold . . . . . 89 5-3 ALTER GBPOOL command to express CLASST in number of pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 5-4 ALTER GBPOOL command output showing CLASST in number of pages . . . . . . . . ...
KnownAzureFunctionActivityMethod KnownAzureSearchIndexWriteBehaviorType KnownAzureStorageAuthenticationType KnownBigDataPoolReferenceType KnownBlobEventTypes KnownCassandraSourceReadConsistencyLevels KnownCompressionCodec KnownConfigurationType KnownConnectionType KnownCopyBehaviorType KnownCosmosDbConnectionMode KnownCredential...