The command line processor sets options in the following order: Sets up default options. Reads DB2OPTIONS to override the defaults. Reads the command line to override DB2OPTIONS. Accepts input from UPDATE COMMAND OPTIONS as a final interactive override. Table 1 summarizes the CLP option flags. ...
The preceding three options can be runasdb2<option>from anOSprompt.!db2ic-DB2InformationCenter(Windows only)This command can also be runasdb2ic from anOSprompt. 从输出信息的第一行开始看起,可以看到,db2 后面到底可以执行什么命令: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 db2[opti...
3.LIST COMMAND OPTIONS 4.UPDATE COMMAND OPTIONS 5.LIST NODE DIRECTORY 6.LIST DATABASE DIRECTORY(one node map to many databases) 7.CHANGE 8.HISTORY 9.RUNCMD 10.EDIT(9 10 NEED THE NUMBER OF 8 : e editor vi 2(history number)) set DB2_CLP_EDITOR="vi" Then can use e 2(means use ...
12、DB2 处理程序简介: DB2 Command Line Processor(DB2 CLP)是所有 DB2 产品中都有的,可以使用这个应用程序运行 DB2 命令、操作系统命令或SQL 语句。用这个工具调用 DB2 命令有点儿麻烦。但是,DB2 CLP 可以成为强大的工具,因为它能够将经常使用的命令或语句序列存储在批处理文件中,可以在必要的时候运行这些批处理...
> db2 list command options Command Line Processor Option Settings Backend process wait time (seconds) (DB2BQTIME) = 1 No. of retries to connect to backend (DB2BQTRY) = 60 Request queue wait time (seconds) (DB2RQTIME) = 5 Input queue wait time (seconds) (DB2IQTIME) = 5 ...
list command options 27. 系统数据库目录 LIST DATABASE DIRECTORY 28. 表空间 list tablespaces 29. 表空间容器 LIST TABLESPACE CONTAINERS FOR Example: LIST TABLESPACE CONTAINERS FOR 1 30. 显示用户数据库的存取权限 GET AUTHORIZATIONS 31. 启动实例 ...
password "***" options (host 'remote_host_name', port '50000',dbname 'testdb', pushdown 'Y', db2_maximal_pushdown 'Y');create nickname N1 for DATASTORE2.db2inst1.T1;DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not avalid Command Line Processor command. Du...
SQL Server 迁移助手(SSMA)提供一组可靠的命令行选项来执行和控制 Db2 活动。 随后的各节详细介绍相同的内容。SSMA 控制台中的命令行选项本部分介绍控制台命令选项,也称为开关。选项不区分大小写,可能以任一字符 - 或/ 字符开头。如果指定了选项,则必须指定相应的选项参数。
-u Provides additional information about most of the command line options. The general form of the command line entry is shown in the following Usage notes section. Here is an example to obtain more information about the dump command for the DAS instance: db2trc das dump -uExamples...
C:\\SQLLIB>db2 ? options db2 [option ...] [db2-command | sql-statement | [? [phrase | message | sqlstate | class-code]]] option: -a, -c, -e{c|s}, -finfile, -lhistfile, -n, -o, -p, -rreport, -s, -t, -td;, -v, -w, -x, -zoutputfile. ...