//命令行终端1,模拟长事务> db2 +c "insert into t1 select * from syscat.tables fetch first 1 row only"DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.//命令行终端2,模拟正常事务> while :; do db2 "insert into t1 select * from syscat.tables"; done//等待一会儿之后开始报错SQL0964C The...
View the current settings for the option flags and the value of DB2OPTIONS using LIST COMMAND OPTIONS. Change an option setting from the interactive input mode or a command file using UPDATE COMMAND OPTIONS. The command line processor sets options in the following order: Sets up default options...
DB2 Command Line Processor(DB2 CLP)是所有 DB2 产品中都有的, 可以用来运行DB2 命令、操作系统命令或 SQL 语句. DB2 Command Windows(DB2 CW) 对于除 Windows 之外的所有操作系统,DB2 CW 是在操作系统的本机 CLP 中内置的。 在Windows 环境中,需要命令提示中输入db2cmd 命令来启动 DB2 CW,然后才能跑db2命令。
db2 => alter table emp add primary key (empno) DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned: SQL0668N Operation not allowed for reason code "7" on table "DB2INST1.EMP". SQLSTATE=57016...
[color=red]Start “DB2 Command Line Processor(DB2 CLP)”, and connect to DB2 server as a privileged user who can export and import data.[/color] (1)export TO c:\export_data\myfile.del OF [color=red]DEL[/color] LOBS TO c:\export_data\lob1, c:\export_data\lob2 MODIFIED BY LOBS...
When you run the Db2 command line processor in batch mode, you can run all SQL statements in the batch as a single transaction.
valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned: SQL0911N The current transaction has been rolled back because of a deadlock ortimeout. Reason code "68". SQLSTATE=40001 $ db2 "delete from student where age=2"
DB2 Command Line Processor(DB2 CLP)是所有 DB2 产品中都有的,可以使用这个应用程序运行 DB2 命令、操作系统命令或SQL 语句。用这个工具调用 DB2 命令有点儿麻烦。但是,DB2 CLP 可以成为强大的工具,因为它能够将经常使用的命令或语句序列存储在批处理文件中,可以在必要的时候运行这些批处理文件。
3. 使用db2clp命令行工具:Db2 CLP(Command Line Processor)是另一种命令行工具,它提供了交互式的Db2命令行界面。在终端中输入以下命令启动db2clp: “` db2clp “` 然后,使用以下命令连接到数据库: “` connect to user using “` 示例: “` connect to sample user db2inst1 using password123 “` 使用db2...
在命令行界面中输入以下命令来查看当前数据库的日志路径: db2 get db cfg for <database name> | grep -i logpath 复制代码 其中, 是要查看的数据库名称。 执行以上命令后,会显示当前数据库的日志路径信息。 另外,也可以在DB2 Control Center或者DB2 Command Line Processor中查看数据库的配置信息,其中包括日志...