this is a config style optimize, nothing to do with core logic. In config.go there are some configs have default value, such as the following port8082and8379 ` type http struct { Enabled bool `config:"enabled" default:"true"` Port int `config:"port" default:"8082" validate:"number,gte...
[PLAT-8378] Remove YB_BACKUP_SCRIPT condition from YSQL database overwrite check [PLAT-8382] Fix retry API to return the submitted task UUID. [PLAT-8384] Fix YCQL health check [PLAT-8387] Scheduled backup configs are not displayed [PLAT-8417] Do not return true from updateKubeConfig metho...
SERVER-88404 checkMetadataConsistency 在检查数据库时发现没有缓存的信息,应该进行刷新操作 SERVER-88650 关机期间 VectorClockMongoD 中的死锁 SERVER-88676 将build_patch_id 功能向后移植到 7.0 SERVER-88755 确保所有 sys-perf 构建变体都指定了 mongodb_setup_release SERVER-88779 FLE2 可重试写入在内部事务重试...
[PLAT-580] Fix sync API bug with previously-existing xcluster configs [PLAT-1770] Incorrect Status in UI for a failed task [PLAT-1786] Disabled releases should not appear while creating universe [PLAT-2224] Disable renaming of table during restore flow. [PLAT-2240] GP: Correct data replicas...
SERVER-44319 Skip keyfile check in replica_sets/auth1.js on windows SERVER-44322 Fail gracefully when the storage engine has failed to initialize on v3.6 SERVER-44651 Update signal processing version SERVER-44727 detect-changes should not be called via run-dsi ...
fix vscode settings file override and add more configs | a0d6172 fix nvidia tweak error message, categorize and add reversibility | 99a2035 improve CPU specific tweaks by conditional platform checks and reversibility | 8df5faf fix wrong path to the main telemetry file | de4ac97 fix naming o...
These failures should be limited to 1 failed run on the puppetdb node, and up to 2 failed runs on the Puppet master node. After that, all of the dependencies should be satisfied and your puppet runs should start to succeed again.
18.sql_login_failed_count: 登录失败数量 19.sql_login_succeeded_count: 登录成功数量 20.sql_user_connection_time: 用户连接时间 2.1.5 PostgreSQL Exporter (1)PostgreSQLExporter的指标数据包括: PostgreSQLExporter的指标数据包括表空间使用情况、连接数、服务器运行时间、数据库大小、查询次数等。 (2)PostgreSQL...
E! [outputs.influxdb] When writing to [server1:8086]: failed doing req: Post “server1:8086/write?consistency=any&db=db-metrics”: context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) I ma using influx 1.8.x and telegraf 1.26.x ...
Failed to create a connection. Url or driver class may be incorrect. Network error IOException. \\\pipe\query SQL Server DBA-16129 When changing the status of a foreign key from Enabled to Disabled and back to Enabled, the object acquires an attribute of WITH NOCHECK. ...