::Server name set serverName=Monkey Test ::Server files location set serverLocation="C:\Dedicated Servers\DayZServer" ::Server Port set serverPort=2302 ::Server config set serverConfig=serverDZ.cfg ::Logical CPU cores to use (Equal or less than available) set serverCPU=4 ::Sets title for...
[UA]Liga Shakal HardPVE,BOT(AI) TEST 1.26.159040 0 / 60DedicatedHardcore 24 [UA|EU] KIWI PVE 1.26.159040 0 / 10DedicatedHardcore 25 1.26.159040 9 / 50Dedicated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 257 258 Next Random Server Videos [UA-PVE] Полювання-Риболовля ...
ping(iputils-ping) - find out the ping to the server (where ICMP is enabled) geoiplookup(geoip-bin) - find out the country where the server is located whois- fallback for geoiplookup, less accurate and slower, but not all entries are in the standard geoip database ...
didn´t wait 1 minutes of logging out cooldown, forcing our disconnection. At the same time, logging back in to the same server should also have a cooldown punishment of 5 minutes to avoid any possible “offline body manipulation abuse”. This would at least discourage the quick disc...
DayZ服务器是一种用于托管和运行DayZ游戏的服务器。DayZ是一款开放世界的生存游戏,玩家需要在一个虚拟的废墟世界中生存下来,并与其他玩家互动。DayZ服务器允许玩家通过互联网连接到游戏服务器,与其他玩家一起探索、交易、战斗和合作。 DayZ服务器的分类可以根据其部署方式和管理方式来划分。部署方式包括自托管服务器和托...
Changed: Adjusted ping calculation to be more forgiving with individual spikes before kicking a player Fixed: Spawning items through Object Spawner made them persistent, resulting in them being duplicated with every server restart (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170349, https://feedback.bistudio....
6.9.2 - Serverlogs for DayZ 1.072020-02-19 Improve server logs tool to accept incomplete logs from 1.07 servers 6.9.1 - Fix Distance Measurement on Livonia2020-02-17 The Distance Measurement Tool on Livonia is now measuring the correct distance again instead of double the distance ...
into grids, and then raycast at a precise interval and generate chunks of navmesh. This is all done during the packing process and “baked” out into data that can be read by the server and client. This uses the wonderful approaches outlined in the open source navmesh projectRecastand...
ping(iputils-ping) - find out the ping to the server (where ICMP is enabled) geoiplookup(geoip-bin) - find out the country where the server is located whois- fallback for geoiplookup, less accurate and slower, but not all entries are in the standard geoip database ...