Seventeen (16%) cases were performed entirely (16) or part-performed (1) by a trainee surgeon supervised by the same consultant surgeon who performed the remaining cases. Ninety-six (90%) of cases were performed under local anaesthesia with the remainder under general anaesthesia. For the two...
Day EighteenApril 5, 2013 Day SeventeenApril 4, 2013 Day SixteenApril 3, 2013 Day FifteenApril 2, 2013 Day FourteenApril 1, 2013 Day ThirteenMarch 31, 2013 Day TwelveMarch 30, 2013 Day ElevenMarch 29, 2013 Day TenMarch 28, 2013 Day NineMarch...
WhenThe Day the Earth Stood Stillpremiered, World War II was only six years behind us. We were still eighteen years away from landing on the moon. Even Sputnik was six years in the future. But the Atomic Age had arrived with a bang (two of them, in fact) and in a flash Everything...
Updated every day. Columns, reviews, Flash movies, games... There's something for everybody, as long as everybody is an idiot.
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