June 2nd, 2019. The birth of the new me, or "Simar 2.0" as mom called me. However, I still felt like "Simar 1.0," perceiving nothing more than the odd new sensation of a liberating breeze fluttering through my hair.At age seventeen, I got a haircut for the first time in my life....
根据第一段“Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia was delivered to my house.(从我12岁起,每年我生日的时候,都会有人送一束白色栀子花到我家)”以及最后一段中“My mother died ten days after I was married. I was 22. That was the year the gardenia stoppe...
根据第一段Every year on my birthday,from the time I turned 12,a white gardenia was delivered to my house.从我12岁起,每年我生日的时候,都会有人送一束白色栀子花到我家。以及最后一段中"My mother died ten days after I was married.I was 22.That was the year the gardenia stopped coming.我...
I’m a seventeen-year-old teen, counting down the days till graduation, just like every other senior in the world. I’ve ___ a lot in my short seventeen years of life, but I have also made mistakes. I’m not perfect. I’m on the path of self-discovery, which as I’ve come ...
For most people, graduation is an exciting day the celebration of years of hard work. My graduation day... was not. I remember that weekend two years ago. Family and friends had flown in from across the country to watch our class walk across that stage. But like everyone else in my gr...
The green muslin measured seventeen inches about the waist, and Mammy had laced her for the eighteen-inch bombazine. Mammy would have to lace her tighter. She pushed open the door, listened and heard Mammy's heavy tread in the downstairs hall. She shouted for her impatiently, knowing she ...
Arrangements were made, and the girls rode home together on the school bus the following day. As I travelled along the winding country road that led to her house, Susan talked nervously about her foster mom(养母) and the seventeen cats she had taken in and cared for with Susan’s help....
Turning round, Kunming Lake, seventeen—arch bridge and some other places ran into your eyes. The water in the lake is clean and clear, and we boated on the lake and swam in it. 颐和园位于中国北京的一处名胜,也是世界的名胜。它位于北京的西北面,离北京市中心有数公里远。当我们走进去时,...
Seventeen years later, Patrick Stewart would appear on-screen smoking a cigarette in "The Big Goodbye", although Picard was shown choking on it. Herman Zimmerman commented: "From my point of view, Gene Roddenberry created, without being maudlin, an eternal idealization of the future. The ...
It was four days after that life changing moment for the seventeen-year-old high school student from Destrehan, Louisiana—she was stillon cloud nine.( ) 选文提到,雪莱·亨尼格赢得了2004年度“美国妙龄小姐”荣誉称号。对她而言,这是一个令人激动的时刻,也是一个改变人生的时刻,以至于在获奖四天之后,...