Day_Of_Week_Lables - MetaTrader 5脚本Scriptor | Chinese 显示: 953 等级: 投票: 17 已发布: 2018.11.27 09:10Day_Of_Week_Lables.mq5 (21.18 KB) 预览 下载ZIP, 在MetaEditor如何使用下载的代码星期每日指标. 另一个版本的这个指标是在价格图表上显示星期中的每一天,这个指标显示了星期中各天的日...
Metatrader 4: Metatrader 5: Follow on instagram: The indicator shows the High, Close and Low of the previous day, week or month. These levels are very commonly use...
Official site: Think of the amount of time your PC sits in your home office without being used – you can turn that time into a period that your computer makes you money. Sell your computer’s CPU time to members of MQL 5 who use the additional power for an...
but the do nicely represent support and resistance levels, and the primary target for the next day ( the pivot line itself ) . Right now i am thinking of some ways of trading using the pivot points ( not traditional one`s , but i am thinking of something new , maybe you guys also ...
Everytime you change the chart the lines will correct themselves so the output keeps the same. Choosing the first day of the week different color makes you see easily weekly Separators also. Hope you enjoy this tool. Regards, deVries
-let the trades run till the end of day or week -not close trades till in profit or close them each day regardless of profit -re-set grid at each end of day or week
Introducing Quantum Emperor EA , the groundbreaking MQL5 expert advisor that's transforming the way you trade the prestigious GBPUSD pair! Developed by a team of experienced traders with trading experience of over 13 years. IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive ...
var periodStart = time - time// zero// in pine week starts on Sunday and it's value 1. Value of Monday is 2// we need a week to start on Monday and its value should be 0makeMondayZero(dayOfWeek) => (dayOfWeek +5) %7isMidnight(t) => ...
The first trading day in a week is Monday instead of Sunday,so the open time of trading in a week should be Monday. Xard777 chart trading system - why is this Weekly and Day indicators are showing the same value? error? Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 ...
I'll be using this forum to keep track of my trades, an attempt to keep my discipline 100% in check. Now things have settled back down and the strategy has been treating me well, especially for the past week