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今日,Blackmagic推送了视频后期软件达芬奇DaVinci Resolve 17.4版本,该版本正式适配了苹果M1 Pro/Max芯片。官方表示,达芬奇在搭载最新M1 Max芯片的MacBook笔记本运行时,进行8K视频编辑的性能提升可达5倍。此外还原生集成Dropbox网盘,改进了3D抠像功能,增强了软件与macOS Monterey系统的兼容性。 此外,达芬奇还为全新的MacBoo...
DaVinci Resolve更新支持M1 Pro和M1 Max芯片BlackMagic近日发布了其广受欢迎的视频编辑软件DaVinci Resolve的最新更新,该软件可在包括macOS在内的多个平台上使用。在Mac版本的应用中,该公司添加了对苹果新的M1 Pro和M1 Max芯片的全面支持,开发人员表示,在新的MacBook Pro上运行速度最多快五倍。
Choppy playback, errors, and even crashes can all be part of everyday life of any DaVinci Resolve user. Learn how to make Resolve more responsive and stable on the Edit page when working on big projects and using heavy effects.Oct 21, 2021 Resolve, Final Cut and Premiere: M1 vs Intel...
达芬奇 v18.6.6最新版本下载安装DaVinci Resolve Studio后期专业调色剪辑软件中文版安装包保姆级教程小白都会安装简单方便 vposy98 1.1万 2 04:26 达芬奇 v19.0.0.25最新中文版本下载安装DaVinci Resolve Studio 后期专业调色剪辑软件安装包保姆级教程小白都会安装简单方便 vposy98 8847 0 9:10:34 Final Cut...
DaVinci Resolve Mini Panel Portable DaVinci Resolve color panel with 3 high resolution trackballs, 12 primary corrector knobs and LCDs with menus and buttons for switching tools, adding color nodes, secondary grading and more! HK$16,850 Find Reseller DaVinci Resolve Advanced Panel Designed in col...
Both IntelliTrack and UltraNR get a big boost when running on NVIDIA RTX PCs and workstations. TensorRT lets them run up to 3x faster on a GeForce GTX 4090 laptop vs. the Macbook Pro M3 Max. In fact, all DaVinci Resolve AI effects are accelerated on RTX GPUs by NVIDIA TensorRT. The...
Resolution: 2880 x 1800 Retina Framebuffer Depth: 30-Bit Color (ARGB2101010) Main Display: Yes Mirror: Off Online: Yes Rotation: Supported Automatically Adjust Brightness: No I've downloaded first DaVinci Resolve 15 Beta and the following message appeared to me after I launched the program: ...
Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve is a powerful editing, video effects, and sound production suite used by big Hollywood productions to YouTube content creators. But who is the free version for? And what are the differences between the free and the paid Studio variant? We are here to guid...
根据BlackmagicDesign 的消息,DaVinci Resolve 17.0 公测版 4 现已推出,支持了英特尔独显 Xe Max。 据介绍,DaVinci Resolve 17.0 公测版 4,添加了一系列改进,包括 Linux 系统下通过 USB 接口支持 DaVinci Speed Editor。本次更新还添加了针对新的英特尔锐炬 Xe MAX 图