Here, you can input a custom resolution that fits your video file. Access the DaVinci Resolve Project Settings menu Input the height and width of your video file. You can use the drop down menu as shown above, or put a custom setting in, as shown below. For example, if you...
- 在渲染队列中,点击“Start Render”开始导出视频。 通过以上步骤,你可以在 DaVinci Resolve 中使用曲线调整工具精细调节视频的亮度和对比度,并成功导出优化后的视频。使用这些技巧,你可以显著提升视频的视觉效果,达到更专业的水准。
与代理工作流有所不同的是,不用太多用户输入或技术设置,DaVinci Resolve 将自动处理优化过的媒体。 只需要在你想优化的片段上右键点击 “生成优化过的媒体(Generate Optimized Media)”,DaVinci Resolve 就将智能地为代理媒体选择最合适的分辨率(基于时间线分辨率),而后直接在暂存磁盘上创建代理素材。 你甚至可以利用...
Custom Curves Node Editor Power Windows Resolve FX Fusion Cinematic quality visualeffects and motion graphics! The Fusion page lets you create cinematic visual effects and broadcast quality motion graphics right inside of DaVinci Resolve! Fusion features a node based workflow that makes it faster and...
Upgrade to DaVinci Resolve Studio Upgrade to DaVinci Resolve Studio for even more creative tools such as 120 frames per second at a massive 32K resolution, support for multiple GPUs and more! You get a full suite of immersive audio tools including Dolby Atmos, plus Dolby Vision, HDR10+ and...
DaVinci Resolve 18.1 Key Features Vertical resolution options in project settings for social media. Select custom thumbnails and channels for YouTube uploads. Support for individual timeline locks enhancing multi-user collaboration. New DaVinci Neural Engine enabled voice isolation in Studio. ...
你甚至还可以强制 DaVinci Resolve 利用优化过的媒体作为源,以导出一个“检视”版本,比如用于上传到一些视频剪辑协作平台上。这将彻底改善输出速度。 这些设置可以在 Deliver 页签找到。只需要在Advanced Settings > Custom下选中 “Use optimized media” 选项即可。
DaVinciResolve7.1 Introduction11 IntroducingDaVinciResolve12 What’sNewinDaVinciResolve7.113 SystemSetup19 MediaStorageVolumes20 VideoCaptureHardware21 ControlPanelType21 QuickStartGuide23 QuickStartProject31 ControlPanels33 GettingStarted37 StartingDaVinciResolve38 ...
Alternatively, open the "Custom" tab and fine-tune video, audio, and file settings individually. DaVinci Resolve Export Tab Video:Enable "Export Video" and then choose video format, codec, resolution, quality, and frame rate in the following options. DaVinci Resolve lets you export MP4, Quick...
You can begin by selecting the hue you want to alter from the “Custom” drop-down menu at the top right of the Curves panel. 4. Applying LUTs in DaVinci Resolve LUTs (Look-Up Tables) are preset color templates that instantly give your footage a polished and consistent look. They are ...