The Enduring Word Bible Commentary from David Guzik is a trusted study resource for anyone wanting to study and understand God's Word.
古大卫牧师 古大卫是一位牧师、圣经教师,也是一部常被使用的经文注释的作者。数百万人们通过线上Enduring Word和Blue Letter Bible使用大卫的经文注释。大卫的信仰宣言点击此处可以看到。 大卫是Calvary Chapel of Santa Barbara的教导牧师。 若您有兴趣请大卫到您的领导会,大会或者退修会,或教会来讲道,请通过填写讲道...
Of the seed of David;i.e. of the virgin Mary, who was of David’s lineage and posterity; the promise was expressly, that the Messiah should beof the fruit of his loins,Acts 2:30, compared saithIsaiah 11:1Jeremiah 23:5Ezekiel 34:24. Yea, this promise was so fully known to the Je...