The Enduring Word Bible Commentary from David Guzik is a trusted study resource for anyone wanting to study and understand God's Word.
数百万人们通过线上Enduring Word和Blue Letter Bible使用大卫的经文注释。大卫的信仰宣言点击此处可以看到。 大卫是Calvary Chapel of Santa Barbara的教导牧师。 若您有兴趣请大卫到您的领导会,大会或者退修会,或教会来讲道,请通过填写讲道请求主页与大卫联系。 大卫在基督里事奉超过35年。他耕植了两个教会,也曾经在...
2. That there is between these a communication of properties; here the Son of God is said to be made of the seed of David; and elsewhere the Son of man is said to have come down from heaven: seeJohn 3:13: cf.John 6:62Acts 20:281 Corinthians 2:8. Of the seed of David;i.e....