Dave The Diver never stopped surprising me. If you would have told me that one of the best games I’d play this year, standing alongside juggernauts with mega-million-dollar budgets, would end up being a retro indie RPG where you play as an obese SCUBA diver who runs a sushi shop…I ...
Dave the Diveris currently not rated by the ESRB or PEGI. Review Dave the Diverfollows the aptly named Dave as he helps his old friends Cobra, the ex-weapon dealer, and Bancho, the Sushi Chef with a mysterious background. Dave is tasked with procuring unique sea creatures for Bancho’s ...
I found out about this game by accident and was surprised at how many people play it and how good the reviews are. When I looked at the screenshots, I wasn't expecting much - other than a nice looking casual game.However, holy kitten, I was completely surprised. The game offers incredi...
RPGamer has been running for over twenty years, providing news, reviews, and editorial content focused on role-playing video games.
DAVE THE DIVER is a casual, singleplayer adventure RPG featuring deep-sea exploration and fishing during the day and sushi restaurant management at night. Join Dave and his quirky friends as they seek to uncover the secrets of the mysterious Blue Hole. A
1994年,20岁的德恩在布须曼洞穴潜水时发生意外,遗体随水流飘荡不知所踪,10年后,戴夫肖在洞穴深潜时,在水下271米处发现遗骸,如此深的水下打捞难度非常大,普通人早就放弃了,戴夫却一定要让德恩重现人世。 戴夫找到一群潜水爱好者制定方案,不料中途发生意外,打捞失败,... (展开) 43 3 10回应 Mexican...
I’ve been playing through a game called Dave the Diver released on 28 Jun, 2023 from developer MINTROCKET. It seems to have taken Steam by storm with over 36,000 user reviews giving it an overwhelmingly positive rating. After picking up a copy for mysel
"Swapping Joysticks" Dave the Diver, Dredge and hype for Rebirth - Swapping Joysticks - 5 Jan 2024 (Podcast Episode 2024) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
Diving into Dave the Diver? Start with our tips guide for the best ways to catch fish, cook sushi, and make money. Comments When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. (...
Reviews (2) Sort by: thumb_up0thumb_down0 User bought Dave The Diver EN/JA/KO/ZH Global from: eGames Empire Everything was great. User bought Dave The Diver EN/JA/KO/ZH Global from: zero zero good nice man PROMOTEDSUPPLIER World_Of_Gamesinfo_outline ...