Dave The Diver Review Change Region Africa (opens in a new window)AdriaAustralia (opens in a new window)Benelux (opens in a new window)Brazil (opens in a new window)Canada (opens in a new window)China (opens in a new window)Czech / Slovakia (opens in a new window)France (opens in...
Originality is tough to find in an increasingly saturated media landscape. When a game with an interesting, refreshing, and truly original idea comes along, it’s hard not to be excited.Dave the Diveris such a game. The debut title from Korean developer from Nexon subsidiary Mintrocket,Dave ...
Dave the Diveris currently not rated by the ESRB or PEGI. Review Dave the Diverfollows the aptly named Dave as he helps his old friends Cobra, the ex-weapon dealer, and Bancho, the Sushi Chef with a mysterious background. Dave is tasked with procuring unique sea creatures for Bancho’s ...
Check out how we test and review games hereHow long is Dave the Diver? The lovely indie RPG hit from developer MINTROCKET continues to take the gaming community by storm due to its wonderful blend of eccentric storytelling and underwater world building that promises hours upon hours of endless...
Dave the Diver shouldn’t work. It is an ever-expanding Jenga tower of mechanics and task management that, somehow, never falls over. Each new character, over-the-top cutscene, and minigame feels like it should topple the whole premise, but it just never happens.Instead...
Crew: On our trip, we had Captain Ken, purser Sandie, engineer Doug, chef Stan, and dive masters Nissa, Joe and Dave. They were all friendly, helpful and very competent. The atmosphere was always informal, with the entire crew doing whatever needed to be done, be that helping with servi...