鱼怪(fishmon)是相当于精英怪的特殊任务鱼,由记者发布任务,首次触发剧情后每周解锁一只新鱼怪,共有9种。 1号战盔鹦嘴鱼,出现在浅海的快艇残骸处(不是中层海域那个快递船) 头部完全免疫攻击,要从背后攻击。 2号魔法水母,出现在中层水域快递船附近。 被惊动后会瞬移逃跑,需要用长射程的枪狙击。 血量意外地少,注意...
Jellyfish are found at the starting depth of 0-50m in the Blue Hole Shallows and reside across the Blue Hole and in the Glacial area unlocked later in the story. There areseventypes of Jellyfish inDave the Diverin total,with the eighth, the Phantom Jellyfish, a boss you fight at the ...
Fish inDave the Divercome in various forms, with smaller fish being able to be collected in abundance, while larger creatures, like sharks, either need to be cut up or collected by calling in a submersible. As you progress throughDave the Diver, you will encountermore creatures and fish, a...
Diving into Dave the Diver? Start with our tips guide for the best ways to catch fish, cook sushi, and make money. Comments When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. (...
DAVE THE DIVER is a casual, single-player adventure RPG featuring deep-sea exploration and fishing during the day and sushi restaurant management at night. Join Dave and his quirky friends as they seek to uncover the secrets of the mysterious Blue Hole.■ An adventure, RPG, management hybridEx...
DAVE THE DIVER - DREDGE Content Pack Get digital Encounter the characters and aberrations from the enigmatic fishing adventure game DREDGE, in Dave the Diver! On days when the red fog rolls in, navigate the waters and dive to catch underwater aberrations. Serve the aberrated fish sushi to the...
New “Hooded Figures” to serve at Bancho Sushi using unique dishes created from Aberrant fish Dave the Diver is available on Nintendo Switch™ eShop (only available digitally) and on Steam. For those who want to stay up-to-date on the latest Dave the Diver news, check out the official...
Join Dave, a professional diver, as he catches unique and delicious fish during the day and serves hungry patrons at a seaside sushi restaurant by night. Created with an art style that combines 2D pixels and 3D art, the game's setting of Blue Hole feels alive with natural wonders - not ...
DAVE THE DIVER is a casual, singleplayer adventure RPG featuring deep-sea exploration and fishing during the day and sushi restaurant management at night. Join Dave and his quirky friends as they seek to uncover the secrets of the mysterious Blue Hole. A
Back to the depths to catch spooky fish. Tom Meyer | Published: Dec 18, 2023 10:55 PM GMT+8 Fishing adventure game Dave the Diver has added a new DLC in collaboration with another fishing adventure game, Dredge. The first DLC for the game has a few requirements before players can get...