The last thing to note is that, despite a generally insane level of polish likely brought on by its tenure as an early access game, Dave The Diver does have some bugs it’s yet to work out. Sometimes my UI would disappear, locking me out of doing things like managing my farm, and ...
Dave the Diver is an odd one to describe. You are Dave, and you’re going to do a lot of swimming around catching fish and all sorts of sea creatures. It’s a bit of a rogue-lite, with each time you dive into what they call the Blue Hole being a different layout with different ...
Where to find the elusive Moray Eel in Dave the Diver and cook up a Moray Curry that will bring Otto to tears.
DiverCity ShieldandSpear E.V.E.ofDestruction YouBelongtoMe:SexRaceandMurderintheSouth TheKing TheRightOne FindingOblivion Drifter TomJones...AtFantasyFair KeepingtheFreakshowAlive Bullies:TheBenediction DownwithClowns TheDrugTours Boom TheRepublicofRick DaleksBeyondtheScreen 2010Li...