/bin/bashd=`date+%m-%Y`echo$d# 12-2017 Output 11-20-2020 Bash Date Format: Weekday DD-Month, YYYY To format date in MM-DD-YYYY format, use the commanddate +%m-%d-%Y. Bash Script </> Copy #!/bin/bashd=`date'+%A %d-%B, %Y'`echo$d# Saturday 30-December, 2017 Output 11...
The Linuxdatecommand displays and sets the system date and time. It can format the output in various ways, show the current date, time, or print customized formats using format specifiers. It is very useful for scripts that require timestamp logs or for automating tasks based on specific date...
Have no fear: If it's control over the format of the output you want,datedelivers it in spades. There are more than 40 options you can pass todateto instruct it to format its output precisely as you'd like. To use any of the options typedate, a space, a plus sign...
date time stamps in bash I'm looking for a way to have the "date" command output the date in a specific format. I'm not familiar with the different ways to use the date command at all. i read up on it, but i dont get how to manipulate it. i know that i can get t...
LOG_FILE=/var/log/custom_application/application_${CUSTOM_FORMAT}.log echo "Script started" >> ${LOG_FILE} ... CODE BLOCKS ... echo "Script completed" >> ${LOG_FILE} That’s it for this article. In this article, we have seen how to use bash date and time in Linux. Let us kn...
#!/bin/bash while true do Mem=$(free -m | grep -i 'mem\|used') Time=$(date +"%r") echo -e "Memory Usage:\n $Mem | At $Time" >> file.txt sleep 5 done In the above script, the date command with %r specifier fetches the current time from the system....
How to format date/time output in a Windows batch script? Question: I'm currently creating a basic batch script to retrieve the most recent date and time of a PC's reboot. I have come across two straightforward methods. systeminfo | find /i "Boot Time"which outputs: ...
Loop through a date range in Shell Script Here is a simple shell script which accept two date value as argument and perform desired action for date value in loop. daterange.sh #!/usr/bin/bash start=$1 end=$2 start=$(date -d $start +%Y%m%d) ...
simpleDateFormatter不在websphere上工作 、、、 我正在编写关于ubuntu的Java1.7。我的代码和功能运行良好。但是当我在Websphere上部署它时,java.text.SimpleDateFormatter就不起作用了.并且它的显示解析error.My websphere环境有linux和Java1.4.2。这是我的密码String formatedDate = "00-00-00" 浏览3提问于2015-...