Let’s now calculate the time elapsed using date. Let’s create an elapsed_time.sh script: start=$(date +%s) sleep 5 sleep 7 end=$(date +%s) echo "Elapsed Time: $(($end-$start)) seconds"Copy We use $() to initialize start and end variables. $() is for command substitution. ...
使用获取当前日期 strftime Bash printf有一个内置的获取日期的方法,可用于代替date命令。 CAVEAT:需要bash4+ 示例功能: date() { # Usage: date "format" # See: 'man strftime' for format. printf "%($1)T\\n" "-1" } 用法示例: # Using above function. $ date "%a %d %b - %l:%M %p" ...
declare -rx wc=”/usr/bin/wc” # wc command # Sanity checks if test -z “$BASH” ; then printf “Please run this script with the BASH shell/n” >&2 exit 192 fi if test ! -x “$ls” ; then printf “$SCRIPT:$LINENO: the command $ls is not available — aborting/n “ >&2...
这称为命令替换。 var=$(command) 这是一个例子: [abhishek@itsfoss]:~$ today=$(date +%D) [abhishek@itsfoss]:~$ echo "Today's date is $today" Today's date is 06/19/23 [abhishek@itsfoss]:~$ Command substitution in bash 旧语法使用反引号而不是$()进行命令替换。虽然它可能仍然有效,但...
Bash command (1)Got error or failure (1)How to (1) About a bash date command Bash and sh: is there any difference About Bash Language Bash: A Script For User Input Here is everything you need to know about Bash for Windows
The GNU date command in full of goodies but not when it comes to calculate a date or time difference. Here is what I came up with after looking to more than one solution. Code should be self explaining. #!/bin/bash date2stamp () { date --utc --date "$1" +%s } stamp...
二、简单的shell script练习 1、几种常用的范例 ①交互式脚本:用read命令获取用户输入作为变量内容; ②随日期变化的文件:利用date命令的执行结果作为文件名的一部分; ③简单的数值运算:shell script支持 +、-、*、/、%等运算符上的整数运算; ④数值运算的方法:假设a=1,b=2,现在要求a+b并赋值给c,那么可以这...
This is trapped by the script, but it has the effect of killing the first sleep command. So, 3 seconds after starting, at 13:33:46, the ouch! message is displayed as the script handles the trap. Execution resumes with the next command in the script, which echoes the date (still 13:...
建议赶快改成 $(command)。还有有些输出你真不需要用变量存着的,直接 alias 啊 date 啊就是…...
To setHISTTIMEFORMATvariable temporarily, export it as below on the command line: $ export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T' In the export command above, the time stamp format: %F– expands to full date same, as%Y-%m-%d(year-month-date). %T– expands to time; same as%H:%M:%S(hour:minute:second...