PAPILA dataset: a regional emission inventory of reactive gases for South America based on the combination of local and global informationCOLOMBIACHILEARGENTINAEMISSION inventoriesAIR analysisAIR pollutionMAPSAIR qualityMETROPOLITAN areasThe multidisciplinary project Prediction of Air Pollution...
The generation of reference data for machine learning models is challenging for dust emissions due to perpetually dynamic environmental conditions. We generated a new vision dataset with the goal of advancing semantic segmentation to identify and quantif
This dataset would be the first high-resolution air quality reanalysis dataset in China that can simultaneously provide the surface concentrations of six conventional air pollutants in China, which should be of great value for many studies, such as the assessment of health impacts of air pollution,...
The UCM performed better in the modeling of air temperature and humidity, while the BEP performed better in the modeling of wind speed. The newly developed NUDC can advance the study of urban climate and improve the prediction of potential urban environmental risks in China. Ó 2022 China ...
The UCM performed better in the modeling of air temperature and humidity, while the BEP performed better in the modeling of wind speed. The newly developed NUDC can advance the study of urban climate and improve the prediction of potential urban environmental risks in China. Keywords: Urban ...
The development of algorithms for remote sensing of water quality (RSWQ) requires a large amount of in situ data to account for the bio-geo-optical diversity of inland and coastal waters. The GLObal Reflectance community dataset for Imaging and optical s
When we train a model for prediction, we split the data and segregate a test set to evaluate the accuracy of the model predictions (as executed above). In statistical inference, on the other hand, the full dataset is typically used to derive the parameter estimates, which are evaluated ...
Federated Learning and Autonomous UAVs for Hazardous Zone Detection and AQI Prediction in IoT Environment Air pollution monitoring, finding the hazardous zone, and future air quality predictions have recently become a significant issue for many researchers. Wit... P Chhikara,R Tekchandani,N Kumar,.....
prediction phase. The computational times for HRNet-OCR in 36 cities were recorded based on NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU and Pytorch. Statistically, it only took about 5 h to generate UBGG-3m covering all 36 metropolitan areas of 50, 411 km2by transfer learning, which is effective for timely ...
for each of the reference height forcing variables (downwelling solar radiation, temperature, precipitation, pressure, specific humidity, and wind) were prescribed from the CLM CRU-NCEP (Climate Research Unit and National Centers for Environmental Prediction)6-hour forcing time series for the same ...