The dataset used to train the proposed methodology is Air Quality Data in India (2015-2020), taken from publically available sources Kaggle. The dataset includes information on the AQI and air quality at different stations in numerous Indian cities at hourly and daily intervals. The accuracy has...
Local Site Name: The name of the site (if any) given by the State, local, or tribal air pollution control agency that operates it. Address: The approximate street address of the monitoring site. State Name: The name of the state where the monitoring site is located. ... Accessed 03 Jan 2023. ISO-AIRE): What is a HEPA filter and how does a HEPA filter work?; 2022. Gulli A, Kapoor A, Pal S. Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras: Regression, ConvNets,...
In this project, we aimed to predict the price of Airbnb listings in New York City using Ensemble Learning techniques on a Kaggle dataset. Our goal was to train and tune the hyperparameters of 14 methods (such as Decision trees, Random Forest or XGBoost, etc.) and combine their ...
pollution_dataset.csv(243.14 kB) get_app fullscreen chevron_right DetailCompactColumn 10 of 10 columnskeyboard_arrow_down About this file Key Features: Temperature (°C): Average temperature of the region. Humidity (%): Relative humidity recorded in the region. PM2.5 Concentration (µg/m...
This dataset contains ranked air quality measurements for various cities in the world, providing insights into pollution levels across different months of the year. Each entry includes the city name, its rank based on average pollution levels, and monthly average pollution measurements from January to...
Air Pollution It is a combination of World Pollution Data Last Updated: 3 years ago (Version 2) About this Dataset Context The main motto of this data is to explore the pollution data and understand the insights. Content This data consists of the Country and the number of deaths due to ...
Public Health Studies: Correlating air quality data with health outcomes to understand the public health implications of pollution. Loading Data in Google Colab To utilize this dataset in Google Colab, follow the steps below: Mount Google Drive: python Copy code from google.colab import drive drive...
Country wise Daily AQI - Air Quality Index
The data has been made publicly available by the Central Pollution Control Board: is the official portal of Government of India. They also have a real-time monitoring app: