tendency, dispersion and shape of a dataset's distribution, excluding ``NaN`` values. Analyzes both numeric and object series, as well as ``DataFrame`` column sets of mixed data types. The output will vary depending on what is provided. Refer to the notes below for more detail. Parameters...
DataFrame.pivot([index, columns, values]) #Reshape data (produce a “pivot” table) based on column values. DataFrame.reorder_levels(order[, axis]) #Rearrange index levels using input order. DataFrame.sort_values(by[, axis, ascending]) #Sort by the values along either axis DataFrame.sort_i...
DataFrame.pivot([index, columns, values])Reshape data (produce a “pivot” table) based on column values. DataFrame.reorder_levels(order[, axis])Rearrange index levels using input order. DataFrame.sort_values(by[, axis, ascending, …])Sort by the values along either axis DataFrame.sort_index...
index DataFrame的索引(行标签)。 loc 按标签或布尔数组访问一组行和列。 ndim 返回表示轴数/数组维度的整数。 shape 返回表示DataFrame的维度的元组。 size 返回表示对象中元素数量的整数。 style 返回一个Styler对象。 values 返回DataFrame的Numpy表示。 方法: 方法描述 abs() 返回每个元素的绝对值的Series/DataFra...
在DataFrame数据中,如果不希望使用默认的行索引,则可以在创建时通过Index参数来设置。 df3=df1.set_index('city') display(df3) 查看DataFrame的常用属性 DataFrame的基础属性有values、index、columns、dtypes、ndim和shape,分别可以获取DataFrame的元素、索引、列名、类型、维度和形状。 print('信息表的所有值为:\...
df.values:以numpy的形式返回df中的值 常用操作有:head() 使用head可以查看前几行的数据,默认的是前...
DataFrame.select_dtypes([include, exclude]) 根据数据类型选取子数据框 DataFrame.values Numpy的展示方式 DataFrame.axes 返回横纵坐标的标签名 DataFrame.ndim 返回数据框的纬度 DataFrame.size 返回数据框元素的个数 DataFrame.shape 返回数据框的形状 DataFrame.memory_usage([index, deep]) ...
sort_values(by[, axis, ascending]) #Sort by the values along either axis DataFrame.sort_index([axis, level,…]) #Sort object by labels (along an axis) DataFrame.nlargest(n, columns[, keep]) #Get the rows of a DataFrame sorted by the n largest values of columns. DataFrame.nsmallest(...
Generates a data frame that summarizes the columns you select by name. func summary(ofColumns: Int...) -> DataFrame Generates a data frame that summarizes the columns you select by index. enum SummaryColumnIDs The summary data frame column identifiers. Saving a Data Frame to a CSV Format fu...
>>> select_name = ["chen","lee","liu"]>>> df[df["name"]==select_name] Traceback (most recent call last): File"<stdin>", line 1,in<module>File"E:\Python3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ops.py", line 855,inwrapper res=na_op(values, other) ...