Find out all of the information about the BE Semiconductor Industries N.V. product: flip-chip die bonder Datacon 8800 FC QUANTUM hS . Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
Find out all of the information about the BE Semiconductor Industries N.V. product: flip-chip die bonder Datacon 8800 TC advanced . Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
The Datacon 8800 FC QUANTUM sigma flip chip bonder represents the next generation of the high-volume, high-accuracy 8800 platform. Beside the factory-proven QUANTUM values it provides superior speed and accuracy while drastically improving your cost-of-ownership. Key Features Enhanced Accuracy, Higher...
8800FCSmartLine-drivesdownchipassemblycosts The8800FCSmartLineisdesignedforbothRFIDdirectchipattachandindirectchip attach.Aroundthe8800FCflipchipbonderwithhighestthroughputandaccuracy,an integratedhighspeeddispenserandaheatedpressformandaperfectproductionline.
8800 FC Smart Line - drives down chip assembly costs The 8800 FC Smart Line is designed for both RFID direct chip attach and indirect chip attach. Around the 8800 FC flip chip bonder with highest through put and accuracy, an integrated high speed dispenser and a heated press form and a ...
. 8800 FC Smart Line - drives down chip assembly costs The 8800 FC Smart Line is designed for both RFID direct chip attach and indirect chip attach. Around the 8800 FC flip chip bonder with highest through put and accuracy, an integrated high speed dispenser and a heated press form and a...
Find out all of the information about the BE Semiconductor Industries N.V. product: multi-chip for flip chip die bonder Datacon 8800 CHAMEO advanced . Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest
high-accuracy, flip-chip, automated, epoxy, for die-attach Other BE Semiconductor Industries N.V. products Multi Module Attach eutectic die bonderDatacon 2200 evo plus multi-chip for flip chipfor die-attachepoxy multi-chip for flip chip die bonderDatacon 2200 evo hF ...
whichdefinethefutureofadvancedpackagingtoday. OurbrandnewTwin-HeadMulti-ChipDieBonderoffersyoutwomachinesinjustonecompactmodule:aseparatedispensingareawithintegrated dispenserandabondingareafordieattachandflipchipapplications.Furthermore,the2200evohandles300mmwafermagazinesinsidethemachine onlessthan1.5squaremeters.The...
wide viscosity rangeAccuracy New high-speed image processing unit Full alignment & Bad mark search Pre-defined fiducial geometry & customized teaching Mass curing Epoxy application Pick & Place Head • Die Attach, Flip Chip and Multi-Chip in one machine • Die pick from: wafer, waffle pa...