Product name BESI Datacon 8800 FC QUANTUM advanced Die Bonding Machine Condition Used Usage Die Bonding Quality Tested Package Carton Box or wooden case Part number Datacon 8800 FC QUANTUM advanced Payment Paypal, Western Union, TT, L/C and etc. Delivery UPS, DHL, FedEx, exp...
型号:DATACON 8800 FC 供应商信息 郭小姐 地址: 中国 广东 汕头 金砂西路9号 公司主页:// 查看更多 汕头市金平区金盛世机电设备维修服务部 进入公司首页 金盛世机电设备有限公司是一家专业销售及维修变频器,伺服驱动器,直流调速器,PLC,伺服电机,人机界面,染色机电脑,进口编码器,软起动,...
型号:Datacon8800-FC 加工定制:否 汕头罗克自动化科技有限公司座落于广东汕头,专业从事自动化产品及自动化设备销售及维修的企业,对各种自 动化产品品牌有着强大的优势,并且对优势产品有着大量的备货。公司经销产品广泛应用于 冶金、石油天然 气、玻璃制造业、铝业、石油化工、煤矿、造纸印刷、纺织印染、机械、电子制造...
Datacon8800FCRFID DATACON'S 8800 FC SMART LINE High Versatility The market of RFID chip attach comprises two worlds: Direct chip attach (attaching the chip directly on an antenna web) and Indirect chip attach (attaching the chips onto an interposer/strap, which is subsequently mounted onto the ...
Besi Datacon 8800 FC QUANTUM sigma 芯片焊接机 The Datacon 8800 FC QUANTUM sigma flip chip bonder represents the next generation of the high-volume, high-accuracy 8800 platform. Beside the factory-proven QUANTUM values it provides superior speed and accuracy while drastically improving your cost-of-...
DATACON'S8800FCSMARTLINE HighVersatility ThemarketofRFIDchipattachcomprisestwoworlds:Directchipattach(attachingthe chipdirectlyonanantennaweb)andIndirectchipattach(attachingthechipsontoan interposer/strap,whichissubsequentlymountedontotheantenna).Therearealotof differentinterconnectionpossibilities:FCsoldering(C4,GBS-...
FC soldering (C4, GBS-gold bump soldering) and adhesive FC bonding (NCP, ACP). In a surrounding of emergency technology the Datacon 8800 FC Smart Line is the constant factor - flexible enough to deal with all kinds of chips, substrates and interconnection technologies - and versatile enough ...
flip-chip die bonderDatacon 8800 TC advanced for die-attachthermalhigh-accuracy fully-automatic die bonderDatacon 8800 FC QUANTUM advanced flip-chiphigh-accuracy flip-chip die bonderEsec 2100 FC hS for die-attachautomatedhigh-accuracy See all BE Semiconductor Industries N.V. products...