Product name BESI Datacon 8800 FC QUANTUM advanced Die Bonding Machine Condition Used Usage Die Bonding Quality Tested Package Carton Box or wooden case Part number Datacon 8800 FC QUANTUM advanced Payment Paypal, Western Union, TT, L/C and etc. Delivery UPS, DHL, FedEx, exp...
Besi Datacon 8800 FC QUANTUM sigma 芯片焊接机 The Datacon 8800 FC QUANTUM sigma flip chip bonder represents the next generation of the high-volume, high-accuracy 8800 platform. Beside the factory-proven QUANTUM values it provides superior speed and accuracy while drastically improving your cost-of-...
The heart of the 8800 FC Smart Line is the 8800 FC Quantum flip chip bonder, proven equipment in high volume production. It provides dispense and fluxing capability, flip chip pick & place and inspection capability. To achieve to speed without impacting process time the 8800 FC platform is ...
BESI DATACON 8800 FC QUANTUM这个型号的上片机用的多吗?有哪些厂家使用?送TA礼物 1楼2015-04-16 10:59回复 MO软装 托儿所 1 华天,长电,安靠 来自Android客户端2楼2015-05-05 14:12 回复 alznlx123 托儿所 1 安靠 矽品 长电 富士通 华天 星科金朋。。。 4楼2015-09-06 14:30 回复 ...
Theheartofthe8800FCSmartLineisthe8800FCQuantumflipchipbonder,proven equipmentinhighvolumeproduction.Itprovidesdispenseandfluxingcapability,flipchip pick&placeandinspectioncapability.Toachievetospeedwithoutimpactingprocess timethe8800FCplatformisequippedwithtwoindependentassemblysystems ...
【导读】BesiDatacon8800CHAMEOadvanced芯片焊接机HighestProductivityforFO-WLPAsanewadvancedpackagingtechn... BesiDatacon8800CHAMEOadvanced芯片焊接机 HighestProductivityforFO-WLPAsanewadvancedpackagingtechnology,Wafer-LevelFan-OutPackaging(WL-FOP)isacosteffectivesolutiontoaddressincreasingdemandsforperformance,formfactor,...
and train operators. Process Reliability The heart of the 8800 FC Smart Line is the 8800 FC Quantum flip chip bonder, proven equipment in high volume production. It provides dispense and fluxing capability, flip chip pick & place and inspection capability. To achieve to speed without ...
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