除了流表到批表的的转换,DLT 也支持将 live table 当做维表来和 streaming table 实现我们常说的实时维表 join: CREATE OR REFRESH STREAMING TABLE customer_salesAS SELECT * FROM STREAM(LIVE.sales)INNER JOIN LEFT LIVE.customers USING (customer_id) 不过目前 live table 作维表只能当静态数据来用,如果 ...
建立具體化檢視的CREATE OR REFRESH LIVE TABLE語法已被取代。 請改用CREATE OR REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW。 若要使用CLUSTER BY子句啟用液體叢集,您的管線必須設定為使用預覽通道。 宣告串流資料表或具體化檢視時,可以使用相同的基本 SQL 語法。 使用SQL 宣告差異實時數據表具體化檢視 ...
SETpipelines.trigger.interval=10seconds;CREATEORREFRESHLIVETABLETABLE_NAMEASSELECT... 要对管道设置pipelines.trigger.interval,请将其添加到管道设置中的configuration对象: JSON {"configuration": {"pipelines.trigger.interval":"10 seconds"} } 允许非管理员用户从启用了 Unity Catalog 的管道查看驱动程序日...
@dlt.table def table_name(): return spark.readStream.table("my_catalog.my_schema.table") 從Hive中繼存放區內嵌數據使用Unity 目錄的管線可以使用目錄從 Hive 中繼存放區資料表 hive_metastore 讀取資料:SQLSQL 複製 CREATE OR REFRESH LIVE TABLE table_name AS SELECT * FROM hive_metastore.some_schema...
CREATEORREFRESHSTREAMINGTABLEcustomer_salesASSELECT*FROMSTREAM(LIVE.sales)INNERJOINLEFTLIVE.customersUSING(customer_id) 高效计算聚合 可以使用流式表来以增量方式计算简单的分布聚合(例如计数、最小值、最大值或总和)和代数聚合(例如平均值或标准偏差)。 Databricks 建议对组数量有限的查询进行增量聚合,例如,...
All Delta Live Tables SQL statements useCREATEORREFRESHsyntax and semantics. When you update a pipeline, Delta Live Tables determines whether the logically correct result for the table can be accomplished through incremental processing or if full recomputation is required. ...
I'm trying to create a spark udf for a registered model and getting:Exception: Python versions in the Spark Connect client and server are different. To execute user-defined functions, client and server should have the same minor Python version. Pleas... ...
Table mapping Step 1 : Create the mapping file Step 2: Update the mapping file Data access Step 1 : Map cloud principals to cloud storage locations Step 2 : Create or modify cloud principals and credentials Step 3: Create the "uber" Principal New Unity Catalog resources Step 0: Attac...
Reflection Refresh Policies: Incremental and Live Refresh If you take your unified data and turn them into Iceberg tables from which you then build your gold layer, you get a couple of extra benefits: Incremental Refresh:Incremental refreshes update only new or modified data in a reflection, maki...