REFRESH [TABLE] table_name 如需磁碟快取與 Apache Spark 快取之間的差異,請參閱磁碟快取與 Spark快取。 參數 table_name 識別要快取的 Delta 數據表或檢視表。 名稱不得包含時態規格或選項規格。 如果找不到資料表,Azure Databricks 就會產生TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND錯誤。
REFRESH TABLE 项目 2024/11/16 4 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 语法 参数 示例 相关语句 适用于:Databricks Runtime 使Apache Spark 缓存的缓存条目失效,其中包括给定表或视图的数据和元数据。 当缓存表或与之关联的查询再次执行时,将以迟缓方式填充无效缓存。
REFRESH { MATERIALIZED VIEW | [ STREAMING ] TABLE } table_name [ FULL | { SYNC | ASYNC }] 参数 table_name 标识要刷新的具体化视图或流式处理表。 名称不得包含时态规范或选项规范。 如果找不到对象,Azure Databricks 会引发TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND错误。
在其实现中,会使用这些额外信息进行优化。可以使用 SQL 语句和 Dataset API 来与 Spark SQL 模块交互。
REFRESH FOREIGN(CATALOG、SCHEMA 和 TABLE) 项目 2024/04/26 本文内容 语法 参数 示例 相关语句 适用于: Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime 13.3 LTS 及更高版本 仅Unity Catalog 刷新Unity Catalog 中维护的元数据,目标可以是: 外部目录及其安全对象,
via power query I generally delete a lot of data but I still have a nice data table. When updating I sometimes take several hours to do an update. 1 time out of 2 I find myself canceling... in short, it's not functional.I tested using the web service directly from...
In case it's the latter, I want to point out that refreshing does not restore the rest of the page to default. Which experiment is selected, which runs are visible, whether you're looking at graphs vs table, and which metric sections are expanded are all persisted through a page refresh...
I created a report in Power BI Desktop which loads data from a view in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. The view is connected to a Databricks Delta table with 500M rows. I'm using the Spark connector and when I loaded the data locally, I had limited the view to only return approx. 3...
全局唯一标识分区表(GUID Partition Table,缩写:GPT)是一个实体硬盘的分区表的结构布局的标准。它是统一可扩展固件接口标准的一部分,它使用全局唯一标识来标识设备。它是新一代分区表格式,用以替代 ...Hoyi 新特性用法(hoyi入门系列文章七) Hoyi 新特性用法(hoyi入门系列文章七) 1.hoyi的方法新特性,方法访问...
REFRESHidentifierSYNC UNIFORMrequires compatibility to be included in delta.universalFormat.enabledFormats. ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY Row level security is not supported byREFRESHidentifierSYNC UNIFORM. UNSUPPORTED_READER_FEATURES The reader table feature(s)<readerFeatures>are not supported byREFRESHidenti...