format(uri=uri) # instantiate loader registered with `.ctm` suffix transcription = CTMLoader(ctm) # only select parts of the `ctms/{uri}.ctm` that are relevant to current resource # (here, most likely the whole file), convert it into a convenient data structure # (here spacy.tokens....
Upgrade to SQLite version 3.26.0 Added support for the SQLCipher 4 database format 4.3.0 -November 2018 Upgrade to SQLite version 3.25.3 Adjusted encryption extension to support cipher configuration via database URI 4.2.0 -October 2018 Added method wxSQLite3Database::GetKeySalt to access the k...
= "insert xsi namespace uri"and not(local-name(.) = "type"orlocal-name(.) ="nil".Low A user-defined function that converts an XML constant string value to a SQL Serverdatetimetype is marked as deterministic.A user-defined function that converts an XML constant string value to a SQL...
You can use following parameters in the <URI_pattern> element ${hostname} - hostname or IP address of the database server ${port} - Port where the database server listens for requests ${dbName} - Name of the database ${userName} - Name of database account ${userPassword} -...
= "insert xsi namespace uri"替换@*,而不是用(local-name(.) = "type"或local-name(.) ="nil".来替换低 将XML 常量字符串值转换为 SQL Server日期时间类型的用户定义的函数被标记为确定性。将 XML 常量字符串值转换为 SQL Server日期时间类型的用户定义的函数被标记为不确定。低...
Set the storageContainerUri property: Conditional. If createMode is RestoreExternalBackup, this value is required. Specifies the uri of the storage container where backups for this restore are stored. Parameters: storageContainerUri - the storageContainerUri value to set. Returns: the Managed...
public String storageContainerUri() Get the storageContainerUri property: Conditional. If createMode is RestoreExternalBackup, this value is required. Specifies the uri of the storage container where backups for this restore are stored. Returns: the storageContainerUri
Every vertex and edge is identified by a unique URI, or Unique Resource Identifier. The RDF model provides a way to publish data in a standard format with well-defined semantics, enabling information exchange. Government statistics agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare organizations have ...
Connection string mode, which accepts a MongoDB connection string as described in Connection String URI Format. Data from Azure storage, which accepts a blob container SAS URL. Select Blob contains BSON dumps if the blob container has BSON dumps produced by the MongoDB bsondump tool. Don't se...
Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT\{subscriptionId\}/resourceGroups/\{resourceGroup\}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/\{serverName\}/databases/\{databaseName\}/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/\{settingsName\}?api-version=2017-05-...