data-* 属性用于存储页面或应用程序的私有自定义数据。data-* 属性赋予我们在所有 HTML 元素上嵌入自定义 data 属性的能力。存储的(自定义)数据能够被页面的 JavaScript 中利用,以创建更好的用户体验(不进行 Ajax 调用或服务器端数据库查询)。data-* 属性包括两部分:属性名不应该包含任何大写字母...
DataURI(base64)对象转blob对象(二进制) /** * dataURL to blob, ref to * @param dataURI * @returns {Blob}*/functiondataURItoBlob(dataURI) {varbyteString = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]);varmimeString = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1...
下列 HTML 代碼段會顯示標記的使用 data-preload。 HTML 複製 <link href="https://path-to-your-file/sample.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" data-preload="true"/> 建議您從預設頁面內容開始,並建置在它之上。 您可以在 自訂內容中包含 JavaScript。 支援的瀏覽器版本如下: Internet Explorer ...
functionhandleSave () {//导出base64格式的图片数据varmycanvas = document.getElementById("mycanvas");varbase64Data = mycanvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0);//封装blob对象varblob =dataURItoBlob(base64Data);//组装formdatavarfd =newFormData(); fd.append("fileData", blob);//fileData为自定义f...
一、封装的注意点封装是为了把相同的部分都实现公用,节省资源,提高代码复用性,工作效率也高,所以需要把不同的参数事件类型等通过调用的时候传入,需要注意点有: 1.1、传参发送 ajax 请求时,主要参数有...res.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[key])); } return res.join('&')...
"星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"]; console.log(year, mon, date, weeks[week]) $("#time").html...= window.atob(input); rv = escape(rv); rv = decodeURIComponent(rv); return rv; } 复制代码 1,js...}; $.ajax(options); return false; }) }); 复制代码 ...
Get the baseURI of the document: letbase = document.baseURI; Try it Yourself » Description ThebaseURIproperty returns the base URI of the document. ThebaseURIproperty is read-only. Syntax document.baseURI Return Value TypeDescription
The parse(_ html: String, _ baseUri: String) method parses the input HTML into a new Document. The base URI argument is used to resolve relative URLs into absolute URLs, and should be set to the URL where the document was fetched from. If that's not applicable, or if you know the...
Rendering will failed on huge DOM due to the dataURIlimit varies. Contributing Please let us know how can we help. Do check outissuesfor bug reports or suggestions first. To become a contributor, please follow ourcontributing guide. License ...
12.12: Supported Samsung Internet 4 - 15.0: Supported 16.0: Supported QQ Browser 10.4: Supported Baidu Browser 7.12: Supported KaiOS Browser 2.5: Supported Resources: Information on security issues Data URL converter Information page Wikipedia