will be autoloaded by last insert idTitle NullString`db:"subject"`// subjects are called titles nowUrl string`db:"-"`// ignoredsecret string// ignored}// By default gocraft/dbr converts CamelCase property names to snake_case column_names.// You can override this with struct tags, just...
"routeId": route_id, "error": False } 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 services/trucks.py Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def add_truck(): response = { "message": "Se agregó correctamente el camión", "truck_id": truck_id,...
University midterm project for the Integration of Computer Applications course. - switch from snake_case to camelCase · edu-flores/jewelry-database@2feea3d
// By default gocraft/dbr converts CamelCase property names to snake_case column_names. // You can override this with struct tags, just like with JSON tags. // This is especially helpful while migrating from legacy systems. var suggestions []Suggestion sess := mysqlSession sess.Select("*"...
Good practice is functions in snake_case and classes in CamelCase. You do no need two fields to retrieve the object. Either go with id or slug. Since you did not share all models I am not sure if slug is also unique so I just used id as usual. Ensure csrftoken presence ...
To reduce the number of sequence calls, Hibernate uses sequence optimizer algorithms, likepooledorpooled-lo. Thepooledoptimizer is the default strategy when using anallocationSizethat’s greater than1in the@SequenceGeneratorannotation.
It’s easy to see what makes Snakewood so unique–its patterns and markings resemble the skin of a snake. Limited supply and high demand make this one of the most expensive woods on earth! Leadwood (Combretum imberbe) 75.8 lbs/ft3 (1,215 kg/m3) Another exceptionally hard African wood,...
Append(","); // Name can convert to LowerCamelCase or SnakeCase. sb.Append(prop.NameSnakeCase); } File.WriteAllText(table.TableName + ".csv", sb.ToString(), new UTF8Encoding(false)); }If creates console-app, our ConsoleAppFramework can easy to make helper applications....
Sometimes you might want to customize the case style for different purpose, for example, use camel case for json format and use snake case for yaml, You may create a section named [struct-tag-cases] to define these custom case for each different format:...
database Use snake_case for DB names instead on CamelCase Apr 14, 2019 etc Add uwsgi config Apr 14, 2019 godmode 🐛 Fix `ProgrammingError: SQLite objects created in a thread can only … Jun 2, 2019 groups Refactoring 2019: squash all changes Apr 13, 2019 models Replace ‘id’ to ‘...