Data-centric Artificial Intelligence(DCAI),一言以蔽之:数据工程(data engineering),主要研究的是如何高效地构建高质量和大数量的数据集. Why DCAI ? 一个是chatgpt的例子,作者指出openai的gpt系列除了model越做越大之外,data的数量也越来越大,质量也越来越高,chatgpt甚至用上了大量的人肉来服务ai模型的构建。
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人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI)最近取得了巨大的进展,特别是大语言模型(Large Language Models, LLMs),比如最近火爆全网的ChatGPT和GPT-4。GPT模型在各项自然语言处理任务上有着惊人的效果。至于具体有多强,这里就不再赘述了。做了这么多年AI研究好久没这么激动过了。没试过的朋友赶紧试一下! 正所谓「大力...
Data-centric artificial intelligence (data-centric AI) represents an emerging paradigm that emphasizes the importance of enhancing data systematically and at scale to build effective and efficient AI-based systems. The novel paradigm complements recent model-centric AI, which focuses on improving the ...
Machine learning models have been increasingly considered to model head and neck cancer outcomes for improved screening, diagnosis, treatment, and prognostication of the disease. As the concept of data-centric artificial intelligence is still incipient in healthcare systems, little is known about the ...
Donato Malerba, University of Bari Aldo Moro Vincenzo Pasquadibisceglie, University of Bari Aldo Moro The era of data-centric Artificial Intelligence marks a pivotal paradigm shift in both Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), highlighting the construction of intelligent systems throug...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made incredible strides in transforming the way we live, work, and interact with technology. Recently, that one area that has seen significant progress is the…
我们之前详细介绍了Data-centric AI的两个核心即特征工程和样本工程,让大家对特征工程的方法论以及样本工程的艺术特质有了更多更深的理解,本文我们继续介绍Data-centric AI的第三个核心即数据集质量。数据集的质量再如何强调都不过分,我认为在数据这个领域,数据集的质量就是第一要务。对于机器学习来说,没有高质量的...
Our study addresses the pressing need for accurate information by investigating User and Data-centric Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based methods for mapping deprived urban areas and extracting information supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Indicator 11.1.1. In collaboration with local ...
我们之前通过三讲给大家介绍了Data-centric AI之特征工程,主要包括连续特征与category特征的特点,特征工程的详细步骤即特征预处理,特征生成,特征选择和特征降维,让大家对特征工程有了更多和更深的理解。接下来我们介绍与特征工程紧密相关的样本工程,这里讨论的是针对结构化数据的样本工程。 从我参与的多个ML项目来看,样本...