2 在空白列中输入三个徒弟的名字,请竖着排列。3 然后,选中你需要控制输入的那些单元格。单击数据选项卡---数据有效性(Data—Data Validation)4 在跳出来的选项卡中,如下图所示,选中List(我用的是英文版,中文版我不确定是不是叫队列,但是位置排列肯定一致,上面数下来第四个)5 选中list之后在下面的对话...
Re: Adding data validation in Excel Addin @RBiems In your code, you're trying to use the formula =INDIRECT(C2) directly as the validation formula. However, when setting data validation programmatically in Excel, you can't directly reference cell values in the same way as you do in the...
[API 集:ExcelApi 1.8] prompt 当用户选择单元格时提示。 TypeScript prompt: Excel.DataValidationPrompt; 属性值 Excel.DataValidationPrompt 注解 [API 集:ExcelApi 1.8] 示例 TypeScript // Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/22-data...
Data validation in Microsoft Excel is a feature that allows you to control the type of data entered into a worksheet to improve the accuracy of the data. For example, Excel data validation enables users to limit data entries to a selection from a drop-down list and to restrict certain data...
一般少于5个): private static DataValidation setFewDataValidation(Sheet sheet, String[] textList,...
1.excel中data validation指的是数据有效性,数据有效性的使用方法如下:2.首先打开一个需要设置数据有效性的工作表。3.打开之后,在菜单栏里有一个数据选项,单击该按钮会下拉很多选项。4.在下拉的选项里单击有效性按钮,就会弹出如图对话框。5.单击允许下方的小三角形会下拉很多选项,在下拉的选项里...
Learn how the Excel JavaScript APIs enable your add-in to add automatic data validation to tables, columns, rows, and other ranges in a workbook.
It is possible to copy and paste invalid data into cells with data validation ?? What can you use Data Validation for ? 1) For restricting the type of data that can be entered in a particular cell. 2) To provide a drop-down list of values that can be entered in a particular cell....
Data validation in Excel is an existing and accessible tool to ensure data integrity while building a financial model. It helps secure your model inputs and outputs.
Excel.DataValidationType| "None" | "WholeNumber" | "Decimal" | "List" | "Date" | "Time" | "TextLength" | "Custom" | "Inconsistent" | "MixedCriteria" Remarks [API set: ExcelApi 1.8] valid Represents if all cell values are valid according to the data validation rules. Returnstrueif...