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Indonesia Money Supply M2 increased 7.0 % YoY in Nov 2024, compared with a growth of 6.8 % in the previous month.
A slight imbalance is when the majority class is uneven by a small amount in the training dataset, and the ratio ranges from 1:4 up to 1:100. Severe imbalance data distribution is when the data distribution of the majority class is uneven by a vast amount in the training dataset, the ...
US Government debt accounted for 123.1 % of the country's Nominal GDP in Sep 2024, compared with the ratio of 122.3 % in the previous quarter.
This study uses ROA as a proxy for bank profitability. A year's net profit ratio to all its assets is known as the return on assets (ROA) (Table2). To analyze the profitability of the financial industry, many researchers used ROA as a dependent variable [13,17,43,110,124]. ...
water level, the ratio of the observed land subsidence is approximately 10% (Mousavi et al.2001). In addition, Motagh et al. (2017) analyzed land subsidence in Rafsanjan using five different InSAR datasets. The results show subsidence rates higher than 5 cm year−1, locally even exceeding...
(September 30, 2012: €2,235 million) Equity ratio of 63.4 percent at June 30, 2013 compared to 60.6 percent at September 30, 2012 4 5 INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT JUNE 30, 2013 INTERIM GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT (UNAUDITED) SIGNIFICANT EVENTS DURING FIRST NINE MONTHS O...
The ratio of non-salary costs to employers to workers’ salary in China is 40%–50%, whereas it is only 16% in India and 12% in Malaysia (Nielsen and Smyth, 2008). At the same time, Nielsen and Smyth (2008) show that firms can shift only 18.9% of the compliance costs with mandat...
Will there be a decrease in the dividend payout ratio? This research focuses on examining the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on dividend policies for companies in Indonesia that are included in the Sustainable and Responsible Investment, or SRI-KEHATI indices. Based on previous research, no ...
Moreover, it addresses that the energy concentration threshold (δ) greatly affects the compression ratio, so that it is necessary to adjust this value in order to achieve the optimal ratio. Thirdly, this scheme could increase measurement accuracy for the data collected in the urban areas where ...