This blog post demonstrates how to use global transaction identifier (GTID)-based replication to migrate Amazon RDS MySQL workloads to Amazon Aurora MySQL. We also discuss how to use a fallback mechanism in case you encounter any issues. For more information about GTID-based […]...
Next, we prepare the Aurora MySQL database for replication. Retrieve the required values to use in the following code: The RDSEndpoint value from the CloudFormation stack Outputs tab The AWS Secrets Manager password from the Secrets Manager console (the SecretsArn value is...
aws_aurora_mysql tencent_tdsql_c ali_rds_mysql region Yes String Region name of other clouds. traffic_source Yes String Workload file source. sdk: Download audit logs through third-party cloud APIs. Table 21 Data structure description of field db_or_table_rename_rule Parameter Mandatory Type...
AWS CLI Performance Insights 的範例 記錄Performance Insights 呼叫 AWS CloudTrail VPC端點(AWS PrivateLink) 使用DevOps Guru 分析效能 RDS 使用增強型監控來監控作業系統 設定並啟用增強型監控 在RDS主控台中檢視 OS 測量結果 使用CloudWatch 日誌檢視 OS 測量結果 RDS 度量參考 CloudWatch 指標 RDS Cl...
The information in this chapter applies to creating Amazon RDS read replicas either in the same AWS Region as the source DB instance, or in a separate AWS Region. The following information doesn't apply to setting up replication with an instance that is running on an Amazon EC2 instance or ...
设置AWS RDS PostgreSQL 用于复制 若要创建新的参数组,请遵照 AWS 在使用 DB 参数组中提供的说明操作。 在Azure 数据库迁移服务中使用主用户名连接到源。 如果使用的帐户不是主用户帐户,该帐户必须具有 rds_superuser 角色和 rds_replication 角色。 rds_replication 角色可以授予管理逻辑槽以及使用逻辑槽流式传输数...
源服务器类型 - 根据 PostgreSQL 源,可以选择“AWS RDS for PostgreSQL”。 迁移选项 - 允许在触发迁移之前执行验证。 可以选择以下任一选项 验证 - 检查服务器和数据库就绪情况,以便迁移到目标。 迁移 - 跳过验证并开始迁移。 验证并迁移 - 在触发迁移之前执行验证。 仅当未发生验证失败时,才会...
This is why it’s important for DBAs to have robust Amazon RDS monitoring capabilities in place. With the right tool, AWS RDS monitoring can simplify the process of managing cloud-based relational databases by combining the capabilities of multiple tools into a centralized RDS monitoring solution....
在AWS RDS里面除了我们常用的MySQL、MariaDB与PostgreSQL还有Oracle与Microsoft SQL Server可以选择,而其实AWS还有自己研发一个资料库叫做Amazon Aurora Amazon Aurora的特色是他可以同时相容MySQL和PostgreSQL,官方文件说在速度上比MySQL资料库快五倍的速度,比标准PostgreSQL资料库快三倍的速度而且价格是1/10 ...
Another limitation relates to migrating from an AWS RDS source server. RDS doesn't support flush tables with read lock andLOCK TABLEquery is run on the selected tables under the hood. As the tables are locked individually, the locking process can be less reliable, and locks can take longer ...