要避免该问题,AWS提供了 Amazon S3 Cross-Region replication (CRR) 功能。它能够在不同的可用区之间异步地同步S3 bucket 中的数据。 1.3.2 区域之间的数据复制 下图中的 AMI、EBS snapshot 和 RDS snapshot 都是保存在 S3 之中,因此都能够利用 S3 的跨区域复制能力复制到其它区域。 EBS 的跨区域...
(注: 北京region和宁夏region是没有直接连通的,也就是说,客户的EC2或者其他服务的跨Region数据同步,都只能通过公网,或者自己准备的专线方式传输数据。但是AWS内部,会为RDS的主从同步,以及S3 的Cross Region Replication功能提供专用的线路,并且针对每个account提供一定的带宽) 测试环境准备, <1.EC2 m4.xlarge (4CPU1...
An application stack and Amazon RDS for SQL Server multi-AZ instance in the primary Region. An application stack and Amazon RDS for SQL Server read replica instance in secondary Region(cross-replication). For instructions, refer Use cross-Region read ...
You can now create cross-region read replicas for Amazon RDS database instances! This feature builds upon our existing support for read replicas that reside within the same region as the source database instance. You can now create up to five in-region and cross-region replicas per source wit...
在EC2的启动配置中设置 user-data,使 EC2 内应用程序在启动后能够获取所需的配置,例如 RDS Mysql 和 Redis 的endpoint 等等。启动配置已经包含在灾难恢复的脚本中。 媒体文件:S3跨区域备份 静态文件及其它需要同步到灾备region的文件存放在S3上。开启S3 Cross Region Replication,实现S3文件的跨Region自动复制。S3 通...
Within AZ, Cross AZ or Cross Region Replication isASYNC, so reads are eventually consistent Replicas can be promoted to their own DB Applications must update the connection string to leverage read replicas RDS Read Replicas – Network Cost
The cross-region replicas are very easy to create. You simply select the desired region (and optional availability zone) in the AWS Management Console: You can also track the status of each of your read replicas usingRDS Database Events. ...
Delete replica explicitly, source DB deletion won't triggerreplica deleting, replica will run as a standalone Limits Up tp5Read Replica per source DB Read Replica does not supportcircular replication Read Replica supportcross region replicationfor some DB engine Read Replica chain <4...
You can use multi-Region replication with Active Directory-aware applications like SharePoint and SQL Server Always On as well as AWS services like Amazon RDS for SQL Server and FSx for Windows File Server. The following are additional benefits of multi-Region replication....
This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances. Returns: (String) #domain_auth_secret_arn ⇒ String The ARN for the Secrets Manager secret with the credentials for the user joining the domain. Example: arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:account-number:secret:myselfmanagedADtestsecret...