Freevacy is a data protection and AI training provider offering professional development for DPOs, compliance teams, executives and frontline employees.
The article discusses the need for finance leaders to recognize the importance of data analytics to become effective in their roles. The need to ensure that employees work in a culture that sustains collaboration and exchange of ideas and information by leaders is noted. It discusses ways in whic...
Within their scope of operations, the joint controllers are responsible for fulfilling the required reporting obligations and maintaining documentation; imposing confidentiality obligations on employees; explaining employees' obligations under data protection law to them, and ensuring the technical and ...
We are committed to maintaining high standards of confidentiality and have robust internal policies, processes, and training in place to ensure compliance with data protection laws. Additionally, we will adhere to industry standard methods that ensure all relevant technical and organisational safeguards ar...
Privacy & data protection training allows organizations to enhance network access security on local and remote computers, in the cloud and on premise.
Meet our team of Data Protection Experts at The DPO Centre, who all excel in data compliance, regulation, and specialise in different areas of law.
According to Article 39 GDPR thetasks of the data protection officerinclude the obligation to inform and advise the controller, the processor and the employees in charge of the data processing regarding their obligations due to the GDPR as well as the privacy provisions of the EU and Member Sta...
Deployment of the Dassault Systèmes’ Global Training Plan on data privacy to ensure a high level of awareness of Dassault Systèmes’ employees. As such, employees must agree to follow our Code of Business Conduct, IT charter and data protection policies and must follow mandatory ethics and comp...
Don’t assume that everyone knows how to spot and avoid aphishingemail—open a dialogue and continue to train employees to avoid accidental user errors and promote law firm data security best practices. As part of your law firm’s cybersecurity protocols, require training upon hire and periodica...
The General Data Protection Regulation Evaluation activity Course Auditing Coursera Institut Mines-Telecom Imed Boughzala France Beginner 5-12 Weeks 1-4 Hours/Week Yes, Paid Exam and/or Final Project No prior experience required. Enroll in course ...