Ideally, each company should run a data security and protection training needs analysis to identify weak spots and common threats. In any case, the following topics are a good place to start with: Password security: employees should create strong, unique passwords for each account and never share...
For example, a file labeled as "Confidential" might only be accessible to a select group of employees. This measure ensures that the right people have access to the right information and limits the risk of unauthorized access. Visual markings: Sensitivity labels can add watermarks, headers, o...
Raising Data Protection Awareness at Work: A Training Approach for SMEsData Protection constitutes an increasingly important consideration for companies dealing with the personal data of customers and staff. Raising data protectionMoloney, MariaSheedy, Caroline...
Saying that, if an organisation has not yet embraced the concepts of privileged access and least privilege, or still uses shared accounts for access then Zero Trust is probably not going to work. Organisations should also make sure that employees have up-to-date security protection on any ...
Maintain consistent protection across all scenarios, whether data is at rest, in use, or being transferred between devices.This added layer of protection is crucial for preventing data loss in situations where employees might work remotely o...
Maintain consistent protection across all scenarios, whether data is at rest, in use, or being transferred between devices.This added layer of protection is crucial for preventing data loss in situations where employees might work remotely or use personal devices. It ensures that security policies ar...
Navigate Brazil's General Personal Data Protection Act (LGPD) compliance. TrustArc's solution can help you above compliance quickly and easily.
and military entities use data classification to manage their data's integrity. The data classification process yields common metadata attributes that enable us to label data asPublic,Confidential, orRestricted. After data is classified, you can implement...
These can include customers, suppliers, business contacts, employees, and other people the organisation has a relationship with or may need to contact. This policy describes how this personal data must be collected, handled, and stored to meet the company’s data protection standards – and to ...
A major benefit of data protection policies is that they set clear standards. Employees know their responsibilities for safeguarding sensitive information and often have training on data security policies, such as identifying phishing attempts, handling sensitive information securely and promptly reporting se...