Data Processing Inequality (DPI) filter.Mauro Castro
A fundamental property of any information measure is the data processing inequality (DPI), that is, such a quantity must be non-increasing under quantum channels that are defined as completely positive and trace-preserving maps. For the-z-Rényi divergences, this means that we require for any q...
– p. 1/16 Background Classical joint source–channel data processing inequality (DPI) for U →X →Y →V : R(D) ≤ I(U; V ) ≤ I(X; Y ) ≤ C ⇒ D ≥ R −1 (C). Ziv and Zakai (1973) generalized to: R Q (D) ≤ I Q (U; V ) ≤ I Q (X; Y ) ≤ C Q ...
Data processing inequality (DPI) is the method employed to prune this network, and is applied after all edges with insignificant scores (see below) are removed from the network. It is based on the comparison of pairwise similarity scores among every fully connected three metabolites (Margolin et...
Under theDigital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, personal data processing is only permitted when a user has given their consent for the same. Companies can also process personal data without consent when for “legitimate uses” under the Act—including epidemics, disasters, or State functions ...
In particular, they need an infrastructure that allows for collection and integration (sometimes in real time), storage (if not centralized, then at least avoiding duplication and favoring the cross- referencing of sources) and sufficiently rapid processing (increasingly deported...
7. Article Processing Charge (APC) 1.Requirements Before you submit, please check below information has been confirmed: One Author designated as corresponding Author: • E-mail address • Full postal address • Telephone number All necessary information has been provided ...
This integration scheme preserves the thermodynamic structure of the latent variables in the reduced manifold [27] ensuring, as we said, the basic laws of thermodynamics of energy conservation and entropy inequality. These integrated variables are then projected back to the original manifold of the ...
The data processing inequality (DPI) and conditional mu- tual information (CMI) are two methods used to reduce the problem of false positives [4,5]. Another information- © 2014 Ouyang et al.; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative ...
[9]. The ARACNE plugin available for Cytoscape v3.1.1 was used [10]. Network calculation was performed using the Aracne Complete Mode, with the variable bandwidth mutual information algorithm, data processing inequality (DPI) tolerance of 0, and six mutual information steps. Different MI ...