3.建议SL大法刷黑骑士剑,刷到后可以考虑用这把剑通关一周目 牛头恶魔: 1.进光门右侧搭爬梯子举盾杀弓兵 2.引出来后跑回梯子来到平台上 3.如果站在平台上嘲讽牛头人它会对着你大吼一声并跳上平台来捶你(牛头人破防实锤,纯爱战士的大胜利) 4.打牛头人可以高空刺杀后拉开,引它去对面后再回高处平台,平台上打...
哈哈!使坏让NPC互殴_灵体VS本体(猎杀骑士卓力格)_DARK SOULS III 2022-09-14 00-14-38 75 -- 3:33 App 黑暗之魂三之《Fallen Angel》_DARK SOULS III 2021-11-27 21-13-38 194 -- 8:07 App 魂三PVP之死得其惨_DARK SOULS III 2022-08-27 21-41-06 117 -- 10:44 App "瞧你这个样儿,恐...
2. 高的伤害——只要装备选好、姿势到位,就能在游戏世界中击败几乎所有敌人。 3. 精准控制——能够有效击倒和规避攻击。对于有经验的玩家来说更是如虎添翼. 4. 破坏力强——可造成大量伤害的单体输出。PVE中面对小怪十分强大,PVP对抗大型玩家或Boss也不怕挨打。 以下是剑舞士一些实用的技巧和玩法指导: 1. 合理...
Dark Souls 3 Weapon Tier List: A-Tier Everybody would like to have an S-Tier weapon to breeze through the game, but this is not as easy as it sounds. Don’t worry, A-Tier weapons are pretty close to the strength of S-Tier but a bit easier to find. They don’t have as great...
* Strength: 20 Putting 20 into your STR stat will let you wield a fair amount of Dark Souls‘ weapons, effectively giving you a few extra choices for this build. You’ll want to wield something like the Balder Side Sword or the Uchigatana (which also provides good bleed ...
Dark Souls 3 Weapon Tier List: A-Tier Everybody would like to have an S-Tier weapon to breeze through the game, but this is not as easy as it sounds. Don’t worry, A-Tier weapons are pretty close to the strength of S-Tier but a bit easier to find. They don’t have as great...