Results of dry seeds are seemingly contradictory because total germination data imply the inactivity of red and blue light photoreceptors, the opposite being implied by duration and shape of germination. A tentative hypothetical solution for the contradiction is presented. Results of imbibed seeds are...
blue, dark green, and sometimes it forms the first part of a compound; as, dark-haired, dark-eyed, dark-colored, dark-seated, dark-working. A dark horse, in racing or politics, a horse or a candidate whose chances of success are not known, and whose capabilities have not ...
dark blue/green/red/brown Darker colours are more practical and don't show stains. opposite light, paleTopics Colours and Shapesa1 having a colour that is close to black He wore a dark suit and a plain tie. dark-coloured wood The dark clouds in the sky meant that a storm was ...
The blue/coloured surface represents the liquid surface, parallel to the wall (black line) and inclined by an angle α with respect to the horizontal (dashed surface) Full size image An alternate velocity scale is the friction velocity uτ: $$ u_{\tau}=\sqrt{\tau_{w}/\rho} $$ ...
Dark colors like wine red or navy blue Dark Brunet (used of hair or skin or eyes); Dark eyes Dark Stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable; Black deeds A black lie His black heart has concocted yet another black deed Darth Vader of the dark side A dark purpose...
Is there an issue where people have complained about the background colour? I myself find the dark mode off-putting, it's straining on my eyes because the background is so dark, yet the text has this tint of blue and so even if it has high contrast on paper it still feels washed ...
Hot, warm, and cold dark matter are indicated in red, pink and blue, respectively. The gravitino is the supersymmetric partner of the graviton, whereas neutralinos are candidates for the LSP. ADM denotes asymmetric dark matter, to be briefly discussed in Section 2.4, and ordinary as well as...
While these color spaces may not explicitly answer the age-old question,Is my blue the same as your blue?the colors are much more consistent and require less finicking when you decide to base your whole website’s palette on a different theme color. With these color spaces, the contrasts ...
Blue", but also in a colorful blend of warm summer tones. 時尚箱包和配件的知名廠家生產袋和無紡布秸稈光學,這是在夏季色調,如“ 自然 米色 ”和 “加 勒比藍”,而且在炎熱的夏季色調豐富多彩的交融。 However, I will persevere in my efforts and help the publ...
The blue (full) curve corresponds to the largest positive value of Im f4Z (p21) in our parameter scan, the red (dashed) one to the smallest negative value for the same quantity. In both cases, p21 = (450 GeV)2. with θ the angle between the electron beam and the closest Z boson ...