^ Inf. Canto III, line 9 ^ John Ciardi, Inferno, notes on Canto III, p. 36 ^ Dorothly L. Sayers, Hell, notes on Canto III ^ Inferno, Canto III, lines 95–96, Longfellow translation ^ Brand, Peter; Pertile, Lino (1999). The Cambridge History of Italian Literature (2nd ed.). ...
^Dorothy L. Sayers,Paradise, notes on Canto III. ^Paradiso, Canto IV, lines 76–81, Mandelbaum translation. ^Paradiso, Canto V, lines 28–29, Mandelbaum translation. ^Jump up to:abDorothy L. Sayers,Paradise, notes on Canto V. ^Paradiso, Canto VI, line 10, Mandelbaum translation. ...
"(摘取自克鲁斯卡学会,《但丁每日一词》专栏) "Il sostantivo gola, che deriva dal latino gulam, è un termine di alto uso, attestato già dalla fine del Duecento. Oltre ad avere, in senso proprio, accezione anatomica, può indicare ...
This web site was created for those who appreciate Dante—teachers, students, readers seeking a fresh visual and verbal perspective. Because of copyright considerations, if you wish to download or print more than one canto, please contact the translator for permission atsz@infernodante.comstating ...
The Inferno is the first section of The Divine Comedy (c. 1308–21), a long narrative poem composed of three sections (or canticles) written in Italian by Dante Alighieri. The Inferno traces the journey of Dante, accompanied by the shade of the Roman poe
Dante's Inferno Canto 2: Summary & Quotes Canto 34 of Inferno by Dante Alighieri | Quotes & Analysis Dante's Divine Comedy Essay Topics Inferno by Dante Alighieri: Canto 7 | Summary, Quotes & Analysis Dante's Inferno Canto 8: Summary & Quotes Dante's Inferno Canto 5: Summary & Quotes ...
Canto XXVVanni hurls an obscenity at God and the serpents swarm over him. The centaurCacusarrives to punish the wretch; he has a fire-breathingdragonon his shoulders and snakes covering his equine back. (In Roman mythology, Cacus, the monstrous, fire-breathing son ofVulcan, was killed byHerc...
How is Dante's work different from earlier medieval literature? How might you compare Dante to Boccaccio? How is Frankenstein different from Candide? How do Virgil and Dante relate in Canto III? What is Dante Alighieri famous for? How did Virgil influence Dante?
In Canto III of Inferno, Dante and Virgil stand on the shore of Acheron as the ferryman of the damned, Charon, approaches in his boat. Inferno's scene of passengers on the bank of a river awaiting a ferry was remembered by Thoreau in A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers when he...
Inoltre è anche un poeta dell’aldilà: già nel secondo canto questo aspetto viene messo in luce attraverso il ricordo della catabasi di Enea. Così, il Virgilio dantesco mostra fin da subito una pluralità di sensi e di funzioni: uomo dell’Impero; estraneo al cristianesimo; poeta dell...