外部播放此歌曲> Dante Alighieri、Joe J. Thomas - Inferno: Canto 03 专辑:Dante's Inferno (Modern English Translation) 歌手:Dante AlighieriJoe J. Thomas 还没有歌词哦
This image (Figure 1) shows a glimpse of Hell (Divine Comedy), when Dante Alighieri encounters Master Adam (who, having counterfeited the Florentine money, was burned at the stake in Florence in 1281), and Sinon (who tricked the Trojans with the wooden horse filled with Achaean warriors)....
Dante Alighieri、Joe J. Thomas - Inferno: Canto 30
Example #3 The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri The cantos that are found in ‘The Divine Comedy’ and its three books are some of the best examples. It was Alighieri who first popularized the use of the word “canto”. Here are the famous first two stanzas of Inferno, Canto I: Mid...
[mandando or questo or quel giù ne l’inferno / a dar notizia del viver moderno] La nota scherzosa non piacerà a Galileo che, nelle sue Postille, proporrà di correggere: «fra gli spirti dannati al pianto eterno». XVII
知识但丁《神曲》 "Divine Comedy - Inferno" by Dante -- Canto 6配乐:“Le Sacre du Printemps, Pt 1, L'Adoration de la Terre: 3. Jeu du rapt” from 《Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring》by Chicago Symphony Orchestra & Sir Georg Solti本章的主讲人,意大利城市Florence的住民Ciacco,为读者带来地狱...
Il canto quattordicesimo dell'Inferno di Dante Alighieri si svolge nel terzo girone del settimo cerchio, ove sono puniti i violenti contro Dio, natura e arte; siamo all'alba del 9 aprile 1300 (Sabato Santo), o secondo altri commentatori del 26 marzo 1300....
Inferno 1 is the first canto in Dante’s Divine Comedy and perhaps the most famous of the epic poem. Dante, author and protagonist of the poem, is in the middle of the journey of his life, in a dark forest. It is horrible, tangled, and wild, and only the memory of it makes ...
Presents the poem "Canto XXVIII," an excerpt from "Inferno," by Dante Alighieri, translated from the Italian by Robert Pinsky. First Line: Who could find words, even in free-running prose, Last Line: This retribution that you see is mine.年份...