dandeliongreens网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 dandelion greens 美 英 网络蒲公英叶;蒲公英嫩叶;鲜蒲公英青菜 英英 网络释义 np. 1. the tender leaves of young dandelion plants, eaten raw in salads or cooked as a vegetable 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft...
美 英 网络蒲公英叶;蒲公英嫩叶;鲜蒲公英青菜 英英 网络释义 np. 1. thetenderleavesofyoungdandelionplants,eatenrawinsaladsorcookedasavegetable
dandelion greens(罐头)蒲公英嫩叶 edible greens食用绿叶菜类 collard greens【植】羽衣甘蓝 pea greensphr. 青豆色,黄绿色;豆苗 california dandelionphr. 猫耳菊(多年生草本,叶子形似猫耳,原产于欧洲,现广泛分布于北美) dwarf dandelionphr. 六棱菊属 russian dandelionphr. 橡胶草,青胶蒲公英 ...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook dandelion (redirected fromDandelion greens) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Related to Dandelion greens:parsley dandelion dandelion[Eng. form of Fr.,=lion's tooth], any plant of the genusTaraxacumof the family Asteraceae (asterfamily)...
美 英 网络蒲公英叶;蒲公英嫩叶;鲜蒲公英青菜 英英 网络释义 np. 1. thetenderleavesofyoungdandelionplants,eatenrawinsaladsorcookedasavegetable
Add dandelion greens, arugula, salt, and lemon juice and cook until barely wilted, about 1 minute. In the sunset kitchen "In the spring you go out and get dandelion greens. That's just part of normal life. A toast to the wild side of healthy living * 1 bunch chicory or escarole *...
Wilted dandelion greens recipe with toasted mustard seed. These wilted dandelions come together in an instant and are dressed with toasted mustard seed and bacon.
Twitter Google Share on Facebook dandelion (redirected fromDandelion greens) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Dandelion greens:parsley dandelion common dandelion Taraxacum officinale dan·de·li·on (dăn′dl-ī′ən, -dē-lī′ən) ...
7 dandelion greens (~1 cup chopped) ~ 3/4 cup water Blend and enjoy. An excellent health tonic. Dandelion is corrupted French for ‘dents de lion’ (tooth of the lion), referring to the jagged edge of the leaf. It is universally considered a noxious weed that attacks lawns but drinkers...
dandelion greens (罐头)蒲公英嫩叶相关短语 Drylene (英) 德里纶聚乙烯单丝 Magnascan (英) 电子分色机 Darelle (英) 达列尔防火粘胶短纤维 duchester (英) 达柴斯特丝绒 Ltd (英) 帝国化学工业公司 Duron (英) 杜纶聚乙烯鬃丝 Dispersol dye (英) 狄司潘素染料 lowtension battery (英) 低压电池 Ruabo...