Damage to the right cerebral hemisphere (RHD) may cause a variety of disorders involving communication, attention, and executive functions. Disorders commonly associated with RHD include impairments in attention, including visuospatial neglect; cognitive deficits apparent primarily in executive function and...
Damage to the right cerebellar hemisphere will causeA.Voluntary movement ataxia of right limbsB.Loss of proprioception in the right side of the bodyC.Loss of proprioception in the left side of the bodyD.Voluntary movement ataxia of left limbsE.Hyperrefle
The early position that prosopagnosia is predominantly associated with right hemisphere (RH) injury was challenged by the finding that in practically all cases that come to autopsy pathological data point to bilateral damage. Yet the rejection of the RH hypothesis may have been too hasty. We report...
Just this month, scientists discovered that swimming in cold water could repair 2 to human brains. The brain has two connected parts called hemispheres (脑半球). Each one controls the 3 side of the body. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and helps you 4 faces, ...
In this review article, it is argued that the wide range of communicative deficits that have been noted in both individuals with damage to the right cerebral hemisphere (RHD) and high-functioning individuals with autism may stem from difficulties appreciating the importance of their interlocutor's ...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Assessment of Right Hemisphere Disorders、Case history、Prosopagnosia (face blindness): Informal testing等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
Human awareness of left space may be disrupted by cerebral lesions to the right hemisphere (hemispatial neglect). Current knowledge on the anatomical bases... Giorgia Committeri Sabrina Pitzalis Gaspare Galati Fabiana Patria Gina Pelle Umberto Sabatini Alessandro Castriota-Scanderbeg Laura Piccardi Cecil...
Theory of mind impairment in right hemisphere damage: A review of the evidence. Among the hypothesized causes of communication impairments in people with damage to the right cerebral hemisphere (RHD) is an underlying impairment in Theo... Ethan,Weed - 《International Journal of Speech Language Pat...
Choosing an appropriate term of personal reference requires a speaker to consider several features of the discourse context, including properties of the persons being referred to and what knowledge is shared between the speaker and his or her addressee. In a pair of similar studies, we examined ...
This study investigated the ability of right hemisphere damaged (RHD) patients to recall autobiographical material in response to emotional versus nonemotional cues. A modified Crovitz paradigm was used in which patients were asked to recall a specific episode from their own life that related to a...