A. (2000). Inferencing in adults with right hemisphere brain damage: An analysis of conflicting results. Aphasiology, 14, 485-499.LEHMAN, M.T., TOMPKINS, C.A. (2000), "Inferencing in adults with right hemisphere brain damage: AnLehmann, M.T. & Tompkins, C.A. (2000). Inferencing in...
In fact, if we assume, (as historically has always been made), that the onset of a specific functional disorder after a unilateral brain damage points to a prevalent involvement of the damaged hemisphere in the impaired function, we are confronted with two problems; The first is that apraxia...
Recent proposals have suggested that inferencing deficits may underlie many cognitive-communicative disorders following right hemisphere brain damage (RHD). However, there is conflicting evidence for these claims. The current review details two major factors that may contribute to the inconsistent findings...
In recent years, these characteristics have been related to a functional disturbance of the right cerebral hemisphere. This should result in a number of other observable effects. The present study investigated whether high and low alexithymics from a nonclinical population differed in the degree of ...
Right Hemisphere Brain Damaged Right Hemisphere Communication Impairment Right Hemisphere Damage Right Hemisphere Language Battery Right hepatic artery Right hepatic artery right hepatic duct Right Hepatic Vein right hepatic veins Right Here right here and now Right Here Right Now Right Here/Human Nature ...
Social connectedness is fundamental to health and life satisfaction. Empathic capacities that support social connections are commonly impaired following damage to the brain’s right hemisphere, but how these acquired socio-emotional deficits correspond t
A right hemispheric stroke happens when blood cannot flow to the right hemisphere (side) of your brain. A stroke caused by a blood clot is called an ischemic stroke. A stroke caused by a burst or torn blood vessel is called a hemorrhagic stroke. A stroke is a medical emergency that ...
This chapter discusses approaches to and challenges associated with the assessment of discourse in individuals with right hemisphere brain damage (RHD). In people with RHD, discourse impairments manifest as impairments in pragmatics, which can be labeled
Following a brief interval (5 min) after the conclusion of the sham session, we delivered 40 Hz high-definition tACS (peak-to-peak amplitude: 1.5–2.0 mA, Methods) continuously for 20 min over the posterior parietal electrodes in the right hemisphere (“stimulation” session; ...
Slowed lexical-semantic activation in individuals with right hemisphere brain damage? Aphasiology. 2001; 15 (1011):1079–1090.Fassbinder, W., & Tompkins, C. A. (2001). Slowed lexical-semantic activation in individuals with right hemisphere brain damage? Aphasiology, 15(10-11), 1079-1090....