In this paper, we consider the task scheduling for directed acyclic graph (DAG)-based applications in MEC and target to maximize the execution reliability given energy consumption and latency constraints. To solve this problem, we propose the Maximize Reliability Offloading Algorithm (MROA). The ...
XDAG是第一个真正意义上可以挖矿的DAG项目,在2018年1月主网上线。XDAG虽然是一个DAG项目,但它的交易模型用的是和比特币类似的UTXO,而项目的发展也和比特币的发展有几分相似之处。 文章内容整理自XDAG的中国Maintainer Frozen(谢锐)在RebaseTalk《新一代公链技术前瞻DAG专题》的分享。 XDAG的传奇故事 XDAG是俄罗斯...
内容提示: arXiv:1303.7397v1 [cs.CR] 29 Mar 2013DAG-Based Attack and Defense Modeling:Don’t Miss the Forest for the Attack Trees.∗Barbara Kordy1, Ludovic Piètre-Cambacédès2, Patrick Schweitzer11University of Luxembourg,2EDF, FranceAbstractThis paper presents the current state of the art...
DAG-Based Software Frameworks for PDEs Martin Berzins1, Qingyu Meng1, John Schmidt1, and James C. Sutherland2 1 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, 2 Institute for Clean and Secure Energy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA Abstract. The task-based approach to software...
Dag-based attack and defense modeling: Don't miss the forest for the attack trees. CoRR, abs/1303.7397, 2013.Kordy, B., Pi`etre-Cambac´ed`es, L., Schweitzer, P.: Dag-based attack and defense modeling: Don't miss the forest for the attack trees. CoRR (Mar 2013)...
We previously proposed a solution to this problem—using the MSVL functions to perform Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) operations and converting the Spark program into an MSVL program based on the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of the Spark program. However, we only proposed this idea. ...
Huang Chang-qin,Chen De-ren,Zeng Qing-huai,et al.A DAG-Based XCIGS algorithm for dependent tasks in grid environments[C]//The 2004 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications,ICCSA'2004.Berlin-Heidelberg:Springer-Verlag,2004:158-167....
Our implementation and evaluation reveal that the DAG-based token design significantly improves the efficiency of exploring token transfer histories. The results show that our method can complete the exploration for 1,030 tokens in a matter of seconds and maintains performance over the long term even...
(2)classifying the researches on scheduling DAG-based tasks according to different perspectives;(3)reviewing the previous researches on scheduling the shared heterogeneous distributed resources based on multiple DAGs;(4)discussing problems to be resolved regarding scheduling multiple DAG.Finally,we summarize...
Scheduling DAG-based workflows on single cloud instances: High-performance and cost effectiveness with a static scheduler The problem of achieving high-performance cost-effectively in cloud computing is challenging when workflows have Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)-structured in... M Taufer,AL Rosenberg ...