"SoK: DAG-based blockchain systems." ACM Computing Surveys 55.12 (2023): 1-38. 图| 叶昊洋 — 版权声明 — 本微信公众号所有内容,由北京大学前沿计算研究中心微信自身创作、收集的文字、图片和音视频资料,版权属北京大学前沿计算研究中心微信所有;从公开渠道收集、整理...
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)-based blockchain represents a paradigm shift from conventional blockchains, which has the potential to drastically improve throughput performance through concurrent storage and executions. In practice, however, existing DAG-based blockchains fail to deliver such promises, ...
Besides, we introduce a two-layer DAG-based blockchain ledger, by which FileDAG can provide flexible and storage-saving file indexing by directly using the blockchain database without incurring extra storage overhead. We implement FileDAG and evaluate its performance with extensive experiments. The...
Blockchain transaction validation requires the creation of a new block, and since they can create only one block at a time, speed is often lacking. DAG-based ledgers' remarkable consensus mechanism results in afaster transaction speed. Since DAGs' nodes are developed simultaneously, transaction spee...
COTI is the first DAG based chain protocol that's optimized for Enterprises and Stable-coins. javablockchainp2ppaymentscryptocurrencydagcoti-nodecoti UpdatedApr 10, 2024 Java XDagger/xdagj Star117 XDAGJ is an implementation of XDAG in Java.https://xdag.io ...
在区块链的语义里,BFT 共识是试图让 N 个验证节点(其中最多存在 f 个拜占庭节点)就一个无限增长的提案(区块或者交易集合)序列达成一致的机制。 众所周知,经典的基于 BFT 的共识算法,无论是 PBFT 还是改进的HotStuff通信复杂度都比较高,可扩展性差,且在网络不稳定的情况下延迟很高。
To cope with the challenges posed by high-concurrency training tasks involving large models and big data, Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) and shard were proposed as alternatives to blockchain-based federated learning, aiming to enhance training concurrency. However, there is insufficient research on the...
However, there are two main problems in the current DAG blockchain-based federated learning framework: first, the system communication overhead increases as the number of federated learning model participants increases. Second, the model transmission process is vulnerable to gradient leakage attacks [10...
the current block-based data structure brings a number of issues, such as poor performance scalability, slow final confirmation centralization of powerful miners. To resolve these issues, the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG, see Figure 1) data structure has been emerged and it has been increasin...
UL-blockDAG: Unsupervised learning based consensus protocol for blockchain[C]//2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). IEEE, 2020: 1243-1248. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICDCS47774.2020.00159doi.org/10.1109/ICDCS47774.2020.00159...