Tectonic evolution of the Dabashan orocline, central China: Insights from the superposed folds in the eastern Dabashan foreland[J]. Wei Shi,Jianhua Li,Mi Tian,Guoli Wu.Geoscience Frontiers. 2013(06)Wei Shi,Jianhua Li,Mi Tian,Guoli Wu.  Tectonic evolution of the Dabashan orocline, central...
释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Preliminary Investigation on the Vegetation of Dabashan Nature Reserve and Its Characteristics 大巴山自然保护区植被及其特征的初步研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Conservation of Rare and Endangered Plants in Dabashan Nature Reserve 大巴山自然保护区珍稀濒危植物及其保护 www.ilib.cn隐私...
3) Dabashan foreland basin 大巴山前陆盆地 1. Migration of the Late Triassic-Jurassic depocenter and paleocurrent direction in theDabashan foreland basin 大巴山前陆盆地晚三叠世—侏罗纪沉积中心的迁移及古流向 更多例句>> 4) Dabashan Thrust and Fold Belt and its foreland ...
1. Migration of the Late Triassic-Jurassic depocenter and paleocurrent direction in the Dabashan foreland basin 大巴山前陆盆地晚三叠世—侏罗纪沉积中心的迁移及古流向更多例句>> 2) foreland basin of the Dabieshan orogen 大别造山带前陆盆地...
1) southern Dabashan 南大巴 1. Thesouthern Dabashanforeland fold-thrust belt lies between the Qinling orogenic belt and Sichuan cratonic basin,which is formed by the combined action of Late Triassic plate subduction and collision of the Qinling orogenic belt and subsequent intracontinental orogeny. ...
1) Qinling-Dabashan area of Shaanxi 陕西秦巴地区 1. Gold abundance of strata and rocks in theQinling-Dabashan area of Shaanxiis generaly lower than that of the crustal abundance. 陕西秦巴地区地层、岩石金的丰度大多低于地壳丰度值;金元素含量在空间上、岩石中以及构造带中的变化,找金综合信息异常分...
再转一张dabashan同志的美图,旺苍的秋天 只看楼主 收藏 回复 小雨不哭520 鹿亭之秀 13 点击展开,查看完整图片 永远53712 魅力鼓城 11 我怎么啥也看不出啊!!这图太玄妙了! 小雨不哭520 鹿亭之秀 13 不会哦 永远53712 魅力鼓城 11 别人不知看得出吗?我反正是看不出。大概是雪景? 你算哪块饼干...
2) Dabashan tectonic belt 大巴山构造带 1. Structural deformation of the Gaochuan Terrane in the westernDabashan tectonic belt, China and its significance; 本文的研究表明,高川岩片是一个独立于大巴山构造带的外来地质体,称之为高川地体。 更多例句>> ...
Dabashan2013-4-30 13:46 来自iPad客户端 一帮屌丝一大早从南京飞到青岛,还没Check in就先来到鼎泰丰吃传说中的米其林三星的包子,这一顿包子吃了近一千二,吃个包子都吃了一千多,话说回来那个黑松露小笼包还真是好吃! O网页链接
1) dabashan tunnel 大巴山隧道1. As a bottleneck of the enlargement engineering of the Xiangfan-Chongqing railway, the Dabashan tunnel constructed in the 70 s of 20. 作为铁道部湘渝线扩能工程的瓶颈,建于二十世纪70年底初期的大巴山隧道存在基底翻浆冒泥、衬砌裂损和拱顶渗漏水等严重病害。